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Performance Appraisal Process

​​Annual Performance Appraisal Process for Staff

The annual performance appraisal process is designed for all full-time and part-time staff to:

  • Help to ensure internal equity by setting clear, agreed-upon goals in advance and providing a formal process and procedure for reviewing performance.
  • Foster engagement by connecting individual contributions to overall university results.
  • Influence future performance through clarity around performance expectations, goals and behaviors.
  • Develop employees through reflection on strengths and opportunities for growth.
  • Encourage open and ongoing dialogue between employees and managers.

DePaul's performance appraisal documentation is available online through by clicking on the "Career and Performance" tile. Training resources are available for employees and managers.

Performance Appraisal Timeline

Performance Appraisal Period: Fiscal Year/July 1 - June 30
Reviews Due to Human Resources: By Aug. 30

While specific timeframes may be set at the unit level by Deans and Vice Presidents, we suggest the following timeline for completing the 2023/24 staff performance appraisals:
By May/June 2024:
  • The manager reaches out to the employee to schedule a performance meeting to take place by mid-August.
  • The employee prepares to complete their section of the performance appraisal form in BlueSky at least two weeks before the appraisal meeting. Self-evaluation can be done as early as May 15 when 2023/24 documents are available. To access your performance documents, go to, click on the "Career and Performance" tile, then click on the "Performance" section.
By Late July 2024 or Two Weeks Prior to Appraisal Meeting:
  • The employee completes their self-evaluation; once complete, the manager will receive a notification through BlueSky.
  • The manager reviews the employee self-evaluation and completes the manager section, including an overall performance rating for the year. As applicable, the manager also discusses the completed appraisal with the second-level manager. Note: For an overall rating of "below expectations" or "unsatisfactory," electronic approval by the second-level manager is required.
  • Once the management review is complete, the documentation is submitted to the employee through BlueSky. The employee should have time to review prior to the performance meeting.
By Mid-August 2024:
  • The manager and employee meet to discuss the employee's performance and specific examples of both strengths and areas for improvement. Any areas of rating disagreement should be discussed and documented. Goals for 2024/25 can also be discussed during the meeting.
  • After the meeting, the employee acknowledges that they have discussed their performance appraisal with their manager and all ratings were explained.
By Aug. 30, 2024:
  • Submit completed documentation to Human Resources through BlueSky.
After Aug. 30, 2024:
  • Once goals for the 2024/25 performance appraisal period are agreed upon by employee and manager, they can be input into BlueSky under the "Goals" section within the "Career and Performance" tile.

Goal Setting

The goal setting process for all full-time and part-time staff is as follows:

  • Goals for the upcoming performance cycle are discussed by the manager and employee.
    • Performance goals should align with the team, department and university goals.
  • The employee enters three to five goals for the next year in the online goal plan.
  • The manager reviews and approves goals.
Goals should be developed using the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines:
  • Specific – Is the goal explicit, clear and concise?
  • Measurable – Does the goal clearly state the desired outcome (quantitative or qualitative)?
  • Action-oriented – Does the goal include the actions necessary to achieve the desired outcome?
  • Realistic – Is the goal challenging but attainable?
  • Time-bound – Does the goal have a deadline and/or progress milestones?