While our work at DePaul is and always will be focused on our mission and on serving our students, where we perform our work may change as employees return to campus.
Based on role-specific and team-specific responsibilities and other considerations, where an employee performs their work will be planned at the unit level by deans and vice presidents.
Hybrid Work
At DePaul, hybrid work refers to the presence of varying work locations for an employee. While some employees may perform their work fully on-site or fully off-site (teleworking), many employees will work a hybrid of on-site and off-site during their workweek.
Hybrid Work Resources for Managers
The following resources are offered to assist managers in transitioning their teams to a hybrid work plan:
- Hybrid Work Analysis Worksheet for Managers (downloads as Word file) – This tool helps managers make decisions for individuals or teams regarding hybrid work.
- Hybrid Work Plan (downloads as Excel file) – This tool provides an overview of where team members will be working (on-site or off-site) throughout the workweek.
Teleworking Guidelines and Agreement
DePaul refers to working off-site as "teleworking." Full or partial teleworking allows an employee to work at an identified off-site location for all or part of their regular workweek. A Teleworking Agreement is required for any employee who works fully or partially off-site; refer to the Teleworking Guidelines for full details.