Human Resources > Benefits > Health Benefits > Dental

Dental Care

​The dental plan ​provides comprehensive dental coverage. The maximum amount that the plan will pay each year is $1,500 (not including orthodontia expenses) per covered person after a $50 deductible. There are no deductibles for preventive dental services or orthodontia. Orthodontia (for dependent children under the age of 19) has a separate lifetime maximum of $1,500 per covered person. In-network plan benefits are:
  • Preventive Services 100%*
  • X-Rays 100%*
  • Primary Services 80%*
  • Major Services 50%*
  • Orthodontics 50%*

*Out-of-network services are subject to local reasonable and customary charges.

For plan details, visit the Health Benefits page​.

Vendor Contact Information

BlueCross and BlueShield​​ Dental
Group #000155
P.O. Box 23059
Belleville, IL 62223-0059
(800) 3​67-6401