Human Resources > Benefits > Enrollment > Life Events & Family Status Changes

Life Events & Family Status Changes

​​​Marriage, birth, adoption, divorce, or death of a family member are all important reasons to review your benefits and make changes where necessary. Qualifying life events and family status changes fall under the "change in status" category. These are the three situations under which you will be able to change your benefit coverage choices during the year:
  • If you have a "change in status";
  • If you experience another event, such as a change in your spouse’s plan, under which other election changes are allowed;
  • If you had not enrolled yourself or your dependents due to other medical coverage but lose that other coverage.

Refer to the Health Benefits Plan Summary Plan Description for details on qualified changes in status.

The following steps outline how to make a change in family status:

  • Log in to and go to Me > Benefits > Report a Life Event;
  • Select your event type and enter when the event occurred;
  • Add people to cover;
  • Navigate to Document Records and upload supporting documentation;
  • Once you receive electronic approval of your documentation, make changes to benefit plans consistent with your change in status;
  • Save and submit your benefit elections;
  • Submit your event completion and exit.

Additional Steps

  • Designate or update beneficiary information for life insurance at The Hartford Enrollment Site (​​​​
      • ​User ID is full employee ID (ex., 0123456)
      • Password is your initials followed by your date of birth (MMDDYYYY)
      • ​You will be required to reset your password during your initial login​
  • To designate or update beneficiary information for the 403(b) Plan, contact Fidelity (800-343-0860) or TIAA-CREF (800-842-2776).
  • Anticipate new medical and/or dental insurance cards if applicable within 7-10 business days from Human Resources receiving your completed form and supporting documentation.

The request for coverage change must be made within 31 days of the change in status or event. If the request is not made within 31 days of your change in status or event, you will not be allowed to change your coverage until the next annual Open Enrollment period.

Any change in your deductions (if applicable) will be effective the first pay period following the change.

If you need help, contact the Benefits Team online​ or call (312) 362-8232.