Human Resources > Benefits > 403(b) Retirement Plan > Plan Notices & Fee Disclosures

Plan Notices & Fee Disclosures

​​​​​​​​​​​​As plan changes or fund changes are introduced, and on an annual basis, the Office of Human Resources (HR) provides all employees with the required notices regarding any changes, fees and expenses in the DePaul University 403(b) retirement plan. These notices are intended to enable participants to better understand their benefits under the plan and inform them of current investment costs.

Annual Notice Package

Notice Regarding Default Investments

Fee Disclosures

Summary Plan Description

Summary Annual Report

For copies of prior year Fund Change Notices, Fee Disclosures, SARs, or other plan documents/notices, please contact the Benefits Department.

Plan Changes

  • Effective October 1, 2017, there were plan changes regarding fee allocations and investment options. Check out the October 2017 Plan Change FAQ page for more information.