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Find Your Career at DePaul University

​​​​​​​​DePaul employees are part of a meaningful work environment that embraces an inclusive community informed by our mission. We work together to make an extraordinary education accessible for the next generation of innovators and leaders. In addition to contributing to this meaningful work, qualified employees receive competitive pay and great benefits.
DePaul Employees

Employment Opportunities

Join our talented workforce and help make an extraordinary education accessible to the next generation of diverse innovators and leaders.

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Faculty teaching students

Reasons to Work at DePaul

DePaul is a nationally ranked, mission-driven institution that offers competitive pay, great benefits and more.

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Faculty teaching students

Supporting a Diverse Workforce

DePaul embraces diversity in all its forms, and our employee affinity groups support our diverse workforce.

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Credit card

Perks for DePaul Employees

More than 100 "Demon Discounts" are available to DePaul employees for a variety of programs, products and services.

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Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
DePaul University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer with a strong commitment to hiring for our mission and diversifying our faculty and staff. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion (except where religion is a bona fide occupational qualification for the job), national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, protected veteran status or any other factor protected by law.
Qualified individuals with disabilities who wish to apply for employment at DePaul may request a Reasonable Accommodation for assistance with the application process by contacting or by calling (312) 362-6855.
Title IX – Contact Information
Federal Title IX policy requires that all colleges and universities make known the contact information for the person responsible for coordinating its efforts to comply with Title IX responsibilities. At DePaul University, the Title IX Coordinator is Molly Lamping Fleck. Her office is located in Lincoln Park on the 3rd floor of the Student Center, 2250 N. Sheffield Avenue. She can be reached at (312) 362-8970 or

Safety & Security Information – Clery Act
Each year, DePaul University's Safety & Security Information Report and Fire Safety Report is released. The report includes statistics about crimes that occurred on campus and public property immediately adjacent to campus. The report includes institutional policies concerning campus security, sexual assault and other matters. It also includes fire statistics, fire safety practices and standards of the institution. A copy of this report can be obtained by visiting the DePaul Public Safety website.