Housing > Resident Resources > Terms & Conditions > Lincoln Park Student Housing Guide > Prohibited Items

Prohibited Items

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Prohibited items are not allowed in the residence halls at any time. Possession of such items can pose serious fire and/or safety hazards and will constitute a violation of the Department of Housing & Residence Life ("DePaul Housing") policies. 
The top items most confiscated by Housing staff from residential units are: 
  • Candles, incense, and other flammables  
  • Outlet splitters 
  • Extension cords  
  • Halogen Lamps
Residents also may not use personal locks on any DePaul-owned property (i.e. doors, closets, etc.).

Any prohibited item(s) found in a unit will be confiscated and possibly discarded. Prohibited electrical items may have a plug-lock installed. Upon move-out, residents must contact housing@depaul.edu​ at least one (1) business day in advance to arrange for the removal of a plug-locking device. Some violations, more serious in nature, may incur a $150 fee (covered smoke detectors, burning candles, burning incense, etc.).

There are also specific items that may be stored in a resident’s room but may only be used in kitchens. Visit the Prohibited Items webpage for the full list. The Department of Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to update the online list at any time.​​​​

Open Flames

Except for university-provided gas stoves, open flames (including candles and incense) are prohibited within all campus housing. DePaul University has a zero-tolerance policy for flammable items and will remove items on sight. Confiscated flammable items will not be returned to residents and are discarded. If an open flame is discovered, this violation type is more serious and will result in a $150 fee assessed to each person in the housing unit.  In addition to the fee for serious-nature infractions, Housing & Residence Life staff will submit an incident report. The incident report will be reviewed and may be referred through the student conduct process. ​  

Alcohol and Drug Paraphernalia

Alcohol and drug paraphernalia are prohibited. DePaul Housing staff confiscate paraphernalia, and it is discarded and will not be returned. Should staff discover any other prohibited items in a unit, the item or appliance will be confiscated or disabled with a plug-locking device on sight. Possession may result in disciplinary action.​​


Weapons such as firearms, stun guns, tasers, switchblades, swords, and knives (not used for cooking or eating) are not permitted. These items will be confiscated by Housing or Residential Education staff and given to Public Safety. Weapons will not be returned to the resident out of an abundance of caution.