If you live on the Lincoln Park Campus, t
he Room Change Request Form is provided by your residence director (RD) or area coordinator (AC). Room change requests are reviewed and processed after the second week of classes each quarter/semester. If you have questions, please speak to your residence director (RD) or area coordinator (AC) for more information.
If you live in the University Center on the Loop Campus, the Room Change Request Form is provided by your Residence Education Coordinator (REC). If you want to pursue a room change, you will need to speak with your REC first.
Residents, please note:
- If you want to change rooms because of a roommate conflict, you must consult with your residence director and discuss the issues before a room change request form is provided or considered. In no case will DePaul Housing process room or campus change requests in violation of the University's anti-discrimination policy.
- When a request is submitted, your designated residence director (RD) or housing representative will reach out to you with the next steps.
- Room changes are processed based on the order in which they are received and available space.