The last day to cancel for new incoming students is June 1, 2024. Cancellations received prior to this date will have their $400 housing prepayment, if applicable, refunded.
All campus housing cancellation notifications must be made in writing directly to DePaul Housing; notifying DePaul University’s Admissions Office, Student Records, or other DePaul University offices is not enough. Verbal cancellations will not be honored. Cancellation notifications are confirmed once a student successfully completes the entire checkout process with DePaul Housing. The cancellation policy applies to all students who have been confirmed for campus housing.
Full-quarter/-semester charges for the current quarter/semester will remain and a $1,500 cancellation fee will be assessed for all students who cancel prior to the end of any given quarter/semester and after the start of the term of this Agreement or first day of occupancy, whichever is earlier. These charges apply regardless of the reason for cancellation, including students who cancel due to a withdrawal from the university or students who are removed from campus housing or dismissed from the university, for conduct or academic reasons.
A $1,500 cancellation fee will be assessed to students who cancel if they (1) are continuing students who cancel after being confirmed for campus housing and prior to the start of this Agreement or first day of occupancy, whichever is earlier; or (2) students who cancel during winter break.
A $400 cancellation fee will be assessed to students who cancel if they are (1) a first-year, non-transfer student and cancel after June 1, 2024 and prior to the start of this Agreement or first day of occupancy, whichever is earlier; (2) a transfer student and cancel after June 15, 2024 and prior to the start of this Agreement or first day of occupancy, whichever is earlier; or (3) confirmed on or after June 1, 2024, for first-year, non-transfer students, prior to the start of this Agreement or first day of occupancy, whichever is earlier; or confirmed on or after June 15, 2024, for transfer students and cancel prior to the start of this Agreement or first day of occupancy, whichever is earlier.
All new incoming students who (1) do not cancel prior to the start of the term of this Agreement, (2) do not arrive to campus, and (3) are not enrolled on the first day of classes for any given quarter/semester will be administratively cancelled and a $1,500 cancellation fee will be assessed.
All students, who took occupancy in a prior quarter/semester, who (1) do not cancel prior to the start of a subsequent quarter/semester and (2) do not check in will remain responsible for the full quarter/semester housing charges and a $1,500 cancellation fee will also be assessed.
Students will not receive a cancellation fee if they (1) cancel while still on the campus housing waiting list; (2) cancel prior to being confirmed for campus housing; (3) are a first-year, non-transfer student who cancels prior to June 1, 2024; or, (4) are a transfer student who cancels prior to June 15, 2024. All students who have submitted a $400 prepayment will have their $400 prepayment refunded if they cancel prior to the deadlines as listed in this paragraph.