News & Reports

DePaul and Nottingham Trent University deepen their collaboration.

DePaul and Nottingham Trent University deepen their collaboration.

Nottingham Trent University (NTU), located in Nottingham UK, is an urban institution with an ethos and grit that well matches DePaul’s traits. Our Global Engagement team has cultivated a relationship with NTU based, to date, primarily on the opportunity to conduct Global Learning Experiences.

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Study Abroad is more than travel: Engaging with global social justice issues

Featured Stories: Study Abroad is more than travel: Engaging with global social justice issues

The portfolio of DePaul's Study Abroad programs is vast and very diverse, offering a broad spectrum of destinations and subject matters to our students. Many of our programs are steeped in DePaul’s mission, educating students to the complexity of identifying and dealing with power dynamics in situations of oppression, discrimination, and marginalization. 

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Study Abroad is more than travel: Engaging with global social justice issues

Study Abroad is more than travel: Engaging with global social justice issues

​The portfolio of DePaul's Study Abroad programs is vast and very diverse, offering a broad spectrum of destinations and subject matters... read more

DePaul and Nottingham Trent University deepen their collaboration.

DePaul and Nottingham Trent University deepen their collaboration.

Nottingham Trent University (NTU), located in Nottingham UK, is an urban institution with an ethos and grit that well matches DePaul’s... read more

Global Learning Experience (GLE) program turns 10!

Global Learning Experience (GLE) program turns 10!

​DePaul University’s award-winning Global Learning Experience (GLE) program is celebrating 10 years of innovative, international,... read more

 Impact of virtual exchange and why it matters

Impact of virtual exchange and why it matters

​ At DePaul, virtual exchange is known and experienced primarily through our Global Learning Experience (GLE),  a successful... read more

Faculty Feature: Dr. Dick Farkas

Faculty Feature: Dr. Dick Farkas

Most of Dr. Richard Farkas's academic career has been at DePaul, with 2024 marking his 51st year at the institution. Prior to his... read more

Student Feature: Beemnet Desta

Student Feature: Beemnet Desta

At DePaul, Beement Desta has not only built her own global community but has also been involved in the process of... read more

Faculty Feature: Dr. Vahap Uysal

Faculty Feature: Dr. Vahap Uysal

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of academia requires individuals with an unwavering commitment to fostering... read more

MEAL at DePaul is back!

MEAL at DePaul is back!

​​​​​It is official. After a long COVID hibernation, International Student and Scholar Services has brought back MEAL with DePaul! ... read more

Expanding international collaborations between DePaul and Nottingham Trent University

Expanding international collaborations between DePaul and Nottingham Trent University

​​​​​​Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is a public research institution located in  Nottingham,  England, UK, with a solid... read more

DePaul University and Hanyang University collaborate on an innovative data science project

DePaul University and Hanyang University collaborate on an innovative data science project

​​​​​In May 2022, the DePaul Center for Data Science in collaboration with Global Engagement hosted a group of Korean students from Hanyang... read more

Pope Francis: Inspiring Words for a Global Community

Pope Francis: Inspiring Words for a Global Community

​​​​​DePaul’s Global Conversations initiative has given us global exposure as a provider of quality virtual opportunities for students... read more

Reinvigorating our Partnerships In-person

Reinvigorating our Partnerships In-person

​​Now that we have learned how to live with COVID and to reconnect again  in person, international education professionals and faculty... read more

India in-country Representative

India in-country Representative

​​This Fall, DePaul entered into a new strategic partnership with One Step Global to provide on-the-ground recruitment support in... read more

The Vincentian Summer Program and Leaders have returned!

The Vincentian Summer Program and Leaders have returned!

​​DePaul University was happy to have the Vincentian Summer Program back in-person after 2 years of a pandemic related pause. This program... read more

DePaul Welcome Ukranian Students

DePaul Welcome Ukranian Students

​​​​​The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is a private institution, the first Catholic University to be opened in a former Soviet... read more

Get to Know ISS: New Staff

Get to Know ISS: New Staff

Have you ever experienced the joy of traveling, studying or living abroad?  Do you wonder about the inspiration that leads people to... read more

Filmmaking Across Continents

Filmmaking Across Continents

As citizens of this world we all have stories and experiences we can all relate to, even in our differences. Whether it is about love, the... read more

DePaul Welcomes New Group of International Students!

DePaul Welcomes New Group of International Students!

International Student and Scholar Services (ISS) excitedly welcomed a new group of international students to DePaul this term orienting them... read more

Partner Feature: Hainan Normal University

Partner Feature: Hainan Normal University

The joint undergraduate Early Childhood Education (ECE) program between DePaul and Hainan Normal University (HNU) welcomed a second cohort... read more

England: The Business of International Sports in London

England: The Business of International Sports in London

The virtual iteration of England: The Business of International Sports in London brought together 16 DePaul graduate and undergraduate... read more

Partner Institution Feature: Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP

Partner Institution Feature: Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP

​​As we have remarked in the past, most of the work we do at Global Engagement depends greatly on the assistance and support of our partners... read more

Student Feature:  Teodora Preradovic

Student Feature: Teodora Preradovic

​​​​​​​​Students like Teodora Preradovic (Tea) who crave a global experience during their college years, do so even more when confronted... read more

Faculty Feature: Dr. Isidore Udoh

Faculty Feature: Dr. Isidore Udoh

​​​In 2016, at the International Peace Research Association conference in Sierra Leone, DePaul’s Dr. Isidore Udoh met Dr. Idorenin Eyo, a... read more

New Tokyo Study Abroad Program

New Tokyo Study Abroad Program

​In recent years, student demand for term-long study abroad programs in Japan has consistently outpaced our availability. Interest is high... read more

Global Gateway student shines as co-host of the Chinese New Year Festival

Global Gateway student shines as co-host of the Chinese New Year Festival

​​​​​​​​The DePaul Lunar New Year celebration showcased the talents of DePaul students and our surrounding community.  Throughout the... read more

 Global Engagement’s Response to COVID-19

Global Engagement’s Response to COVID-19

​​The Global Engagement division remains committed to providing support to our students, faculty and staff during this difficult time. ... read more

New Associate Director for Regional Initiatives-Latin America

New Associate Director for Regional Initiatives-Latin America

​​​​​ Global Engagement welcomed a new team member at the start of this academic year. Maria DeMoya Taveras, Associate Professor of... read more

Expanding collaborations with Symbiosis International University

Expanding collaborations with Symbiosis International University

During the first week of August 2019, five DePaul faculty members from the College of Communication visited  Symbiosis... read more

Global Fluency Certificate Gains Popularity

Global Fluency Certificate Gains Popularity

This September 2019, Global Engagement launched the new Global Fluency Certificate (GFC), a credential  that recognizes students who... read more

Faculty Feature: Juan Mundel - Connecting the world through Public Relations & Advertising

Faculty Feature: Juan Mundel - Connecting the world through Public Relations & Advertising

Juan Mundel joined the DePaul community with his international wheels already in motion. Halfway through his second year as an Assistant... read more

New International Graduate Recruiter - Karen Mark

New International Graduate Recruiter - Karen Mark

DePaul recently established a new position to tactically recruit international students at the graduate level.  Karen Mark was hired as... read more

DePaul launches Global Pathway Program (GPP)

DePaul launches Global Pathway Program (GPP)

We are excited to announce that in Winter 2019 we officially launched a new initiative, The Global Pathway Program (GPP).  The GPP is... read more

Pronunciation Training for Success

Pronunciation Training for Success

One of the challenges international students face is the ability to communicate fluently with clear, articulate speech and the... read more

New international student orientation

New international student orientation

It all starts with a dream, a dream made up of possibilities… adventure, learning, growth and success. The dream is also interlaced with... read more

DePaul’s School of Hospitality Leadership Prepares Students for a Global Industry

DePaul’s School of Hospitality Leadership Prepares Students for a Global Industry

Over the past year, the School of Hospitality Leadership at DePaul has increased its efforts to make global engagement a priority in the... read more

Supporting faculty in a global classroom

Supporting faculty in a global classroom

As DePaul continues working to increase international enrollment, faculty are now teaching in increasingly global classrooms.  This... read more

Faculty Feature - Christie Klimas

Faculty Feature - Christie Klimas

​ How does what I purchase and consume affect others that I don’t even see? Are there ways that I can change my habits to help change... read more

Language and Pedagogy Institute at DePaul University

Language and Pedagogy Institute at DePaul University

​The Language and Pedagogy Institute (LPI) program started in 2011 with the goal of providing professional development to international... read more

ISS Supports Students: Immigration Ban

ISS Supports Students: Immigration Ban

On January 27, 2017, President Trump issued an Executive Order on Immigration (EO) containing provisions that directly affected our DePaul... read more

Fulbright Mentor for Faculty

Fulbright Mentor for Faculty

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to teach for a semester in a different country, or to start a new research project... read more

New Study Abroad Director

New Study Abroad Director

In February, we announced the appointment of our new Director of Study Abroad, Marty McGivern.  Marty has been a member of our Study... read more

A New Link to China

A New Link to China

Hui Lin, PhD, Associate Professor in the School of Accountancy in the Driehaus College of Business, joined the Global Engagement team this... read more

A Strong Partnership in India

A Strong Partnership in India

This summer, through Global Engagement’s India Initiative, six faculty members visited Symbiosis International University (SIU) in Pune,... read more

FY@broad New Programs

FY@broad New Programs

​FY@broad programs combine a Focal Point seminar with travel abroad to enhance students' learning. At the end of the designated course,... read more

English Language Academy Celebrates 20 Years

English Language Academy Celebrates 20 Years

DePaul's English Language Academy (ELA) celebrated its 20th year of operation in September, and hosted an event for over 100... read more