Global Engagement > Global DePaul > Staff Opportunities

Staff Opportunities

​​Host a MEAL with DePaul 

Become a host for MEAL with DePaul program, which invites DePaul faculty and staff members to host international students in their homes for a meal during the quarter. For more information, visit the International Student and Scholar Services (ISS) website.

DePaul Ambassador Program

The DePaul Ambassador Program (DAP) provides opportunities for faculty and staff to engage with institutions in other countries and promote studying in the United States and at DePaul University. After exempt staff members have confirmed their travel itineraries abroad, they can reach out to the Global Engagement office to pursue a DAP visit to a local high school or EducationUSA office. For more information and to apply, please click here​

Study Abroad Staff Professional

​Study Abroad has opportunities each year for staff to help lead short-term study abroad programs as a Staff Professional.  Staff Professionals partner with a faculty member to help teach class content through a Global Hour curriculum, then travel abroad with the group in a leadership role at the end of the quarter. 
  • Identities Abroad programs:  Identities Abroad programs are short study abroad programs designed for, but not limited to, students of color, first generation students, and low-income students, which combine travel with a Seminar on Multiculturalism in the United States—a required course for most students. To apply to become a Staff Professional, go to the Identities Abroad Staff Professional application page
  • Program administrator on a college-sponsored program: Some programs in some colleges solicit applications for staff to co-lead short-term study abroad programs with teaching faculty. 

​Service Immersion Staff Opportunities

Every year, staff and faculty have the opportunity to accompany students on immersions to 17 different community partners in the United States and Latin America. On these immersions, students engage in direct service, learn about the ways our partners are working for justice, and build community.

Not only do staff mentors on immersions participate in the Vincentian mission in a very hands-on way, but they also have the opportunity to build close relationships with students.

If you are interested in applying to accompany an immersion as a staff mentor, and for more information, please visit the Vincentian Community Service Office website.

Participate in a Global Coffee Hour

Participate in the Global Coffee Hour program, which orients first-year graduate and undergraduate international students to student life at DePaul and in Chicago to support their transition into the DePaul community, prepare them to contribute to our Vincentian culture, and successfully meet their academic and personal goals. For more information, visit the International Student and Scholar Services (ISS) website.