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FY@broad Programs for First-Year Students

Study abroad during your first year at DePaul!  FY@broad programs are study abroad programs designed for first-year students which combine travel with a Focal Point Seminara required course for most first-year students.

Each year, a selection of FY@broad programs are offered, visiting various destinations around the world and focused on different academic themes.  Programs either have coursework in the winter quarter (with travel during spring break) or coursework in the spring quarter (with travel at the start of the summer, in mid-late June).  Different programs are offered each year—here are the FY@broad programs for the upcoming academic year:

(coursework during winter quarter & travel during spring break)


FY@broad Ireland: Travel Writing & Irish Literature

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FY@Italy Peace Studies

FY@broad Italy: St. Francis of Assisi's Pilgrimage of Peace

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FY@broad Rwanda: International Human Rights & Criminal Law

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(coursework during spring quarter & travel in mid-late June)


FY@broad Australia: Indigenous Communities, History, & Culture

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FY@Italy History

FY@broad Italy: The Legacy of Rome

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FY@broad Peru: Chocolate, Coffee, & the Ethics of Global Production

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FY@broad Scotland: History, Politics, & the Enduring Fight for Freedom

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(coursework during winter quarter & travel during spring break)


FY@broad Ecuador: Biodiversity & the Modern Extinction Crisis

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FY@broad Ireland: Travel Writing & Irish Literature

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FY@broad Spain: Barcelona - The City is a Mystery

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(coursework during spring quarter & travel in mid-late June)


FY@broad Australia: Indigenous Communities, History, & Culture

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FY@broad Germany: The Many Faces of Berlin

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FY@broad Italy: The Legacy of Rome

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FY@broad Morocco: Translating Cultures - Reading & Writing Morocco

Website Coming Soon


FY@broad programs are designed to let you be on campus during the quarter taking your regular classes, with a short 1-2 week study abroad experience either during spring break or at the start of the summer.  You will take a 4-credit Focal Point Seminar class (LSP 112) during either winter quarter or spring quarter—a required course for most first-year students (Honors students fulfill an Honors requirement, and students who don't need a Focal Point Seminar for their major can get Experiential Learning credit).  You'll participate in that class during the quarter, as you learn about the topic and prepare for the study abroad portion of the course.  The travel abroad happens immediately following the end of the class, either during spring break or in mid-late June.  (Note: You will also be registered in an additional 2-credit class that relates to the travel abroad.)

Each program has a program fee, which includes the cost of flights, accommodations, activities, some meals, travel insurance, and other program expenses.  The program fee for most of the FY@broad programs is in the range of $2,500-$3,500.  In addition to the program fee, you will also pay your regular tuition for the 6 credits of coursework (as long as you stay at 18 credits or less for the quarter, there are no additional tuition charges). 

Yes!  Applicants to most DePaul study abroad programs are automatically considered for a DePaul Study Abroad Scholarship.  There is special scholarship funding available for students doing an FY@broad program, including funding for students of color and first-generation students. All students who complete the FY@broad program application by the initial deadline of November 1 or February 1 will automatically be considered for a scholarship.  More information can be found on the DePaul Study Abroad Scholarships page

Programs with classwork during winter quarter and travel during spring break have an application deadline of November 1.  Programs with classwork during spring quarter and travel in mid-late June have an application deadline of February 1.  Occasionally, application deadlines may be extended if space is still available.  To be considered for a scholarship, students must apply by the initial application deadline.

Honors students and students in some majors are not required to take the LSP 112 Focal Point Seminar that is a part of the FY@broad program.  However:

  • Honors students are encouraged to apply! Each FY@broad program fulfills an Honors course requirement, so Honors students who participate will get Honors credit instead of LSP 112 credit.  The web page for each program indicates which Honors requirement that particular program fulfills.
  • For students whose major doesn't require them to take LSP 112 (e.g. Music, Theatre, some CDM students), the class can instead fulfill the Experiential Learning (EL) requirement or may be used as an elective.  Contact Study Abroad and/or speak with your academic advisor about how this would work and whether participating in the FY@broad program is a possibility.

You are not able to register in the FY@broad Focal Point Seminar (LSP 112) yourself—Study Abroad will register you in the class (and the additional 2-credit class) after you have been accepted and have decided to participate in the FY@broad program.  If you would like to register in a backup "normal" Focal Point Seminar yourself (in case you do not end up participating in an FY@broad program), feel free to do so.  You will then be withdrawn from that course after you have accepted your spot in the FY@broad program, so Study Abroad can register you in the FY@broad section of LSP 112.

DePaul offers a wide variety of study abroad options, including short-term programs of 1-3 weeks in length and term-long programs where you can study abroad for a quarter or longer.  There are over 30 destination countries around the world, with over 80 programs to choose from.  Go to the program search page to start looking for the right program for you.

In many cases, no!  The key is to start planning early—ideally in your first year at DePaul.  Attend a Study Abroad 101 session and meet with a Study Abroad advisor to start thinking about which program(s) might be the best fit for you.  And be sure to speak with your Academic Advisor to talk through how studying abroad will work with your degree progress.  The sooner you start planning, the more likely you'll be able to make the study abroad coursework fit within your academic plan.