Global Engagement > Student Resources > Study Abroad > Financial Aid & Scholarships > Scholarships


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​DePaul Study Abroad Office Scholarships

All students who apply to DePaul-sponsored study abroad programs by the application deadlines below are automatically considered for scholarship funding, based on a combination of financial need (as determined by the FAFSA) and academic record (GPA).

No additional scholarship application is required. Students will be notified if they are awarded a scholarship before they are required to commit to a program. 

Award Amount
When will you be abroad?
Application Deadline for Scholarship Consideration
  • Standard awards - up to a maximum of $1,000
  • Select number of larger awards - up to a maximum of $5,000
Summer, Fall Quarter, or Academic Year February 1
December, Winter Quarter, or Winter-Spring Quarters May 1 ​
Spring Break or Spring Quarter November 1

Note: Only students submitting their program application by the deadlines above will be considered for a scholarship.  The scholarship application deadline will not be extended, even if the deadline to apply for a particular study abroad program is extended.


To be considered for a scholarship, students must be enrolled as undergraduate, graduate, or professional students at DePaul and applying for a DePaul-sponsored study abroad program. Additional scholarship funding is available for FY@broad and Identities Abroad​ participants. A substantial portion of study abroad scholarships each year are awarded to students of color and first-generation students. Scholarship awards are contingent upon acceptance into a program. Last academic year, 34% of students who studied abroad were awarded a Study Abroad-administered scholarship, and the most common award value was $1,000. Note: Students participating in domestic programs that take place within the United States and College of Law students on programs of three credits or more who are receiving tuition discount scholarships are not eligible for DePaul Study Abroad Scholarships.

Appeal Process

If you have received a Study Abroad Scholarship decision and would like to appeal due to specific circumstances not reflected in your FAFSA, complete this appeal form​. Unlike the regular scholarship selection process, appeals will be considered from students who applied after the original application deadline. Please note that additional funding for appeals is extremely limited.​ A committee will review your appeal request and will notify you of a decision within three weeks.

Additional Study Abroad Scholarships

Program Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
Athens College Year in Athens Scholarships For students who have been accepted to CYA for a semester or academic year. Varies  April 1 (for Fall and Spring Semesters); may be possible to apply after deadline, see CYA website for more details
Budapest Jason M. Bristow Study Abroad Scholarship Given to one DePaul student annually studying for the first time in one of DePaul's term-long programs in Hungary or Poland.  $2,000 February 1
Any International Business Seminar

Kellstadt International Student Tours

For undergraduate or graduate business students who are taking a short-term study abroad trip through the College of Business.


Students will be automatically considered when they complete a study abroad program application by the original deadline. No additional application necessary.

Any International Business Seminar Geoffrey and Linda Hirt Endowed Scholarship

For undergraduate or graduate students studying in the Department of Finance in the College of Business who are participating in one of the international study abroad opportunities provided by the College of Business. 

Any International Business Seminar

Strobel Excellence Fund Study Abroad Scholarship

For undergraduate students studying in the Strobel Accountancy Honors Program who are taking a short-term study abroad trip through the College of Business $500
Language-intensive programs or short-term programs led by MOL faculty

Department of Modern Languages Study Abroad Scholarship

For language students participating in term-long language-intensive programs or short-term programs led by at least one faculty member from the Department of Modern Languages. Varies
March 1 - Summer, Fall Quarter or Academic Year
June 1 - December, Winter Quarter, or Winter/Winter-Spring Quarters
June 1 - Spring Break or Spring Quarter (The application is filled while student is abroad.)
Religious Studies James R. & Beatrice A. Halstead Endowed Scholarship For students participating in a program led by faculty from the Department of Religious Studies and/or students who are Religious Studies majors or minors. Complete the DePaul Study Abroad Scholarship application as part of the study abroad application to be considered. Up to $2,300
  • November 1 (Spring Break, Spring)
  • February 1 (Summer, Fall, Academic Year)
  • May 1 (December, Winter, Winter-Spring)
Any SCPS Program

John P. McGury International Study Memorial Endowed Award

Dean's Global Engagement Scholarship

For consideration, SCPS students must submit a FAFSA, submit the General application on Scholarship Connect, and submit the SCPS application on Scholarship Connect. Students are considered for both scholarships upon submission of applications. Varies
Varies, see Scholarship Connect
Any SPS Program School of Public Service (SPS) Scholarship The School of Public Service offers scholarship opportunities for eligible SPS students participating on study abroad programs. Please direct any questions related to School of Public Service Scholarships to $1,000
  • Mid-August (Fall)
  • Early November (Winter)
  • Early March (Spring)
Kyoto: Japanese Language & Culture Ritsumeikan University Scholarship Students planning to participate in the Kyoto program should submit the scholarship application form and supporting documents by the deadline. DePaul will submit them to Ritsumeikan. May cover full program expenses Late March
London Westminster, MadridParis AF CEA CAPA Education Abroad Scholarships Various scholarship opportunities to DePaul students on these programs. Varies Varies
Major Scholarship Details Amount
Applied Diplomacy Grace School of Applied Diplomacy Study Abroad Scholarship

Awards available to School of Diplomacy majors, double majors, minors and graduate students for tuition and fees associated with Study Abroad.


March 30 & Varies

Finance Geoffrey and Linda Hirt Endowed Scholarship

For undergraduate or graduate students studying in the Department of Finance in the College of Business who are participating in one of the international study abroad opportunities provided by the College of Business. 

$1,000 Students will be automatically considered when they complete a study abroad program application by the original deadline. No additional application necessary.

Kellstadt International Student Tours

For undergraduate or graduate business students who are taking a short-term study abroad trip through the College of Business. $1,000
Accountancy Honors Strobel Excellence Fund Study Abroad Scholarship For undergraduate students studying in the Strobel Accountancy Honors Program who are taking a short-term study abroad trip through the College of Business. $500
German Language Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) Fellowship funded by the U.S. Department of State and the German Bundestag with the opportunity to study German language and culture, as well as participate in an internship for one year. May cover full program expenses


History Warren and Jennifer Schultz Endowed Study Abroad Fund For history majors participating in any DePaul-sponsored study abroad program. $1,000

February 1 for Summer programs

May 1 for December programs
Modern Language majors, double majors, or minors (some cases)

Department of Modern Languages Study Abroad Scholarship

For language students participating in term-long language-intensive programs or short-term programs led by at least one faculty member from the Department of Modern Languages. Varies
March 1 - Summer, Fall Quarter or Academic Year
June 1 - December, Winter Quarter, or Winter/Winter-Spring Quarters
June 1 - Spring Break or Spring Quarter (The application is filled while student is abroad.)
Political Science Catherine R. May Student Endowed Scholarship For Political Science majors and minors participating in a foreign study abroad program or an internship. Up to $4,500

November 15 & February 15

Religious Studies James R. & Beatrice A. Halstead Endowed Scholarship For students participating in a program led by faculty from the Department of Religious Studies and/or students who are Religious Studies majors or minors. Complete the DePaul Study Abroad Scholarship application as part of the study abroad application to be considered. Up to $2,300

November 1 (Spring Break, Spring)

February 1 (Summer, Fall, Academic Year)

May 1 (December, Winter, Winter-Spring)
School of Continuing and Professional Studies

John P. McGury International Study Memorial Endowed Award

Dean's Global Engagement Scholarship

For consideration, SCPS students must submit a FAFSA, submit the General application on Scholarship Connect, and submit the SCPS application on Scholarship Connect. Students are considered for both scholarships upon submission of applications. Varies

Varies, see Scholarship Connect

Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship Program Federal need-based scholarship for U.S. undergraduate students on study abroad programs. Must receive a Pell Grant to qualify. $3,000 - $8,000 Varies
Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) Awarded to promising students with financial need. Preference for underrepresented students, including first-generation and minority students.  $1,250 - $10,000 Late January of
prior academic year
Hostelling International Explore the World Scholarships For aspiring global travelers who want to give back while they experience another culture. Must receive a Pell Grant to qualify. $2,000 Early March
Warren and Jennifer Schultz Endowed Study Abroad Fund For history majors participating in any DePaul-sponsored study abroad program. $1,000

February 1 for Summer programs; May 1 for December programs

Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship

The program explores the impact that effective leaders have had on social justice movements and critical peace and conflict resolution efforts around the world. 

Note: Students would participate in it as a non-DePaul Program 

$1,500 grant February 14
Population Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
Various; See Scholarship Page for Diversity Criteria Global Ambassador Scholarship Open to undergraduate students. Global Ambassadors will share their experiences by writing articles and sharing videos and pictures. Responsibilities and qualifications listed here $1000 April 15 for Fall 2024 Semester
Children and Spousal Dependents of Active or Activated U.S. Military Personnel John S. McCain International Scholarship for Military Families (Gilman-McCain Scholarship) Open to U.S. undergraduate students currently receiving the Federal Pell Grant. Must be child or spousal dependent of active or activated U.S. military personnel during the time of application. $5000 Varies
LGBTQIA+ NAFSA Rainbow SIG Scholarship Awards deserving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) students who aim to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs. Up to $10,000 Early January

Underrepresented Students

Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship

The program explores the impact that effective leaders have had on social justice movements and critical peace and conflict resolution efforts around the world. 

Note: Students would participate in it as an External Study Abroad Program

$1,500 grant 14 February
Country/Region Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
East or Southeast Asia  Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) For U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. $3,000 - $7,000
  • Mid-April (Fall, Academic Year)
  • Early October (Spring)
Germany Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) Fellowship funded by the U.S. Department of State and the German Bundestag with the opportunity to study German language and culture, as well as participate in an internship for one year. May cover full program expenses Mid-December
Germany Delta Phi Alpha German Study Abroad Scholarship Supports students who study in Germany on programs that promote advanced use of German language and incorporate the experience into their major/career goals. $500 - $1,250
  • Mid-November (Spring & Summer)
  • Mid-March (Fall & Winter)
Ireland Education in Ireland Scholarships Variety of scholarships open to students studying in Ireland. Varies Varies
  • Jewish United Fund scholarships for short-term programs in Israel for students residing or attending school in Chicago.
  • Jewish United Fund merit-based scholarships for students residing or attending school in Chicago.
  • Varies
  • $1,000
  • Mid-February (Winter & Spring), early March (Summer), mid-April (Fall)
  • Early March

Multiple Jewish Scholarships for Programs in Israel

Jewish United Fund External Scholarship Resources

Variety of scholarships open to students studying in Israel. Varies Varies
Japan United States-Japan Bridging Foundation Bridging Scholarships For semester or academic year-long programs in Japan. Limited to undergraduate students and no summer-term programs.  $2,500 - $4,000
  • Mid-April (Fall, Academic Year)
  • Mid-October (Spring)
Japan Monbukagakusho Scholarships Offered by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Four highly competitive scholarships to non-Japanese nationals who wish to study in Japan.  May cover full program expenses Late March
Japan Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) Scholarships Provides financial assistance to promising students who have demonstrated both academic excellence and service to the Japanese American community. Must be a member of JASC. $1,000 - $5,000 Late April
Japan Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) International Student Scholarship Stipend for selected students applying to DePaul programs in Japan. JASSO applicants may be issued their Certificate of Enrollment by the Study Abroad office if necessary. Students may apply to both Ritsumeikan Scholarships offered. Monthly stipend of JPY 80,000 Late March
New Zealand Education New Zealand Travel and Excellence Awards Several different awards for students studying abroad at New Zealand universities.  $500 - $2,000 Late April
New Zealand New Zealand Study Abroad Scholarship Open to undergraduate and graduate students completing a study abroad program in New Zealand.  Up to $15,000 Mid-October
Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkish Coalition of America Study Abroad Scholarships for American Students of Minority and Heritage Communities For undergraduate or graduate students of the following backgrounds: African-American, Armenian-American, Bosnian-American, Filipino-American, Hispanic-American, Macedonian-American, Native-American who have been accepted to a language program or university study abroad program.  $500 - $2,000 Rolling basis
United Kingdom BUTEX (British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association) For students studying abroad at member British universities for either a semester or a whole academic year. Members include London South Bank University. £500 Mid-June
United Kingdom AASAP/UK Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship Merit-based scholarship for students studying abroad in the UK who demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the value of an international education. Good for London CEA students.  £1,000 Early June
United Kingdom Chevening Scholarships & Fellowships International awards scheme from the UK aimed at developing global leaders.  May cover full program expenses Early November

More information on these scholarships can be found on the LAS Featured Scholarships website

Language Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
Many Modern Languages Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarship Students applying for this application round should be enrolled, or soon-to be enrolled, through the Office of Study Abroad in a DePaul Modern Language Department long-term language-intensive program. Students must be in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and registered as Modern Language majors or double majors. Varies

March 1 - Summer, Fall Quarter or Academic Year

June 1 - December, Winter Quarter, or Winter/Winter-Spring Quarters

June 1 - Spring Break or Spring Quarter (The application is filled while student is abroad.)

Many Boren Scholarship & Fellowship Unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Boren Scholars commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. Up to $24,000 Late January
Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Persian,  Bangla, Azerbaijani, Hindi, Indonesian, Urdu, Korean, Punjabi, Swahili, Turkish Critical Language Scholarship A program of the U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. May cover full program expenses Mid-November
Arabic Qatar University Arabic For Non Native Speakers Short scholarships for qualified applicants to study in the Arabic for Non-Native Speakers Center as a one-year certificate. May cover full program expenses Mid-May


Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
Allianz Global Assistance ScholarTrips Awards creativity and the desire to learn through travel.  $500 - $2,500 Early November
Corinne Jeannine Schillings Study Abroad Scholarship Study abroad scholarships for Girl Scouts who have earned the Silver or Gold Award.  $1,000 Mid-May
Go Overseas Study or Intern Abroad Scholarship Winner selected based on creativity, enthusiasm, and social media posts. Also receive a Go Overseas swag bag. $500 Mid-August
Going Study Abroad Scholarship Open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants submit a three to four-minute video essay and two winners are selected during each cycle. Students unable to submit a video can contact for accommodations. $1,500
  • March 15th (Summer & Fall programs)
  • October 15th (Winter-Spring programs)
Golden Key – Joan Nelson Study Abroad Scholarship Emphasis placed on how studying abroad will assist the student in their future goals, as well as desire for trip and planned outcomes. Must be member of the Golden Key International Honour Society.  $5,000 Mid-June
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants Designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Requires 3.75 GPA. $1,000
  • Mid-February (Session A)
  • Mid-September (Session B)
The Study Abroad Journal Submit a creative photo or video via Instagram that illustrates what study abroad means to you.  $500 Early December
Tortuga Study Abroad Scholarship Awarded biannually to passionate undergraduate students who want to explore the world. $1,000
  • Late May (Fall)
  • Late December (Spring)

Resource Details
University of Minnesota Study Abroad Scholarship Database More than 180 searchable scholarship sites, available for undergraduate and graduate students.
Abroad101 Scholarship Database List of scholarships offered by program providers and foreign host universities. 
Go Overseas: 40 Study Abroad Scholarships and Grants to Apply For Now List of scholarships based on destination, academic level, program, and more. 
NAFSA: Financial Aid & Study Abroad: Basic Facts for Students Resource on how to fund your study abroad experience.  
The Costs of Studying Abroad Financial planning resources for study abroad by Affordable Colleges Online.
Scholarship Details Amount Deadline
The Fulbright Program For U.S. citizens and graduating senior undergraduate and graduate students for many different opportunities abroad and in all fields of study. A Fulbright scholarship is a year-long or 9-12 month program. For more information, contact the Fulbright Program Advisor, Dr. Jonathan Gross of the English Department. May cover full program expenses Early October
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship Awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. May cover full program expenses Mid-October
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship For students between the ages of 18-30 for one year of post-graduation study in any discipline in Ireland or Northern Ireland. May cover full program expenses Late September 
The Rhodes Scholarship Prestigious scholarship that provides full financial support to pursue a degree or degrees at the University of Oxford.  May cover full program expenses Early October
Ambrose Conrad McAuley (ACM) Scholarship Scholarship program to support Black scholars pursuing graduate degrees overseas.  Up to $2,000 Varies
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