Student Employment > About > Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Student employees must be familiar with the following policies and procedures at DePaul University. Review DePaul's complete list of polic​i​es on the University Policies website.

At times, students may be privy to confidential student or university information. At no time are students to use their on-campus position to access personal university or student data for their own gain. Likewise, the information students may come in contact with during the course of their employment is not to be discussed outside the workplace or used for publication. Please refer to DePaul's Compliance & Risk Management website as well as the U.S. Department of Education for more information.

On–campus jobs are available only to students who are currently enrolled at DePaul.

  Students (U.S. Citizens) International Students
Enrollment Requirement Half–time Student Status Full–time Student Status
Undergraduate 6 credit hours 12 credit hours
Graduate 4 credit hours 8 credit hours
Law 6 credit hours 12 credit hours

Form I–9 verifies a student’s identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Both employees—citizens and noncitizens—and employers must complete an I-9. Students are required to complete this form and provide the appropriate identification within three business days of the date of employment. To learn more about Form I-9 and the acceptable forms of identification, please visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

Students who work on campus are exempt from FICA taxes on wages earned during academic terms in which they are enrolled at least half-time.

Domestic students can work during the break period after their graduation, but must cease working at the start of the next academic quarter. For example, if a student graduated in June, they can work through summer break until September when the fall quarter begins. 

International students must stop working upon completion of their degree requirements. International students must contact their ISS advisor to confirm their work eligibility.

If an accident on university owned, operated or leased property results in an injury to a DePaul employee, the employee or their supervisor must contact Compliance & Risk Management to file a Workers Compensation claim no later than one business day after the injury.

If an accident occurs at an off-campus university sponsored event, while away on university business, or at an off-campus educational activity, the following must occur: 

  1. Seeking proper medical attention is the first priority.
  2. If the off-campus accident results in an injury to a DePaul employee or student, the injured party should follow the applicable policies and procedures of the off-campus site. 
  3. As soon as practicable, the injured party must file a report with DePaul's Public Safety Office.  
If an injury occurs to a DePaul student, the DePaul employee overseeing the activity is responsible for ensuring the student follows these procedures. Please review the full policy, here.

The Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (325 ILCS 5) mandates that all university personnel who have reasonable cause to believe that a child under the age of 18 known to them in their professional or official capacity may have been subjected to physical or sexual abuse, may be at risk of physical or sexual abuse, or is being deprived of the proper or necessary care are required by law to immediately report such mistreatment to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) by calling DCFS' child abuse hotline at 1-800-25-ABUSE. For more information, review Public Safety’s website.

Student employees can work multipe jobs on-campus as long as they are complying with the Work Hour Policy and not exceeding the maximum number of hours they are eligible to work per week. U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents are limited to working 25 hours per week inclusive of all on-campus positions. Non U.S. citizens in F-1 and J-1 non-immigrant visa status are limited to working 20 hours per week inclusive of all on-campus positions while school is in session as mandated by the Department of Homeland Security. 

Please note: Student employees are not eligible to be employed in a full-time or part-time staff position. Students must decide between student employment or a staff position.

Illinois law states that any employee working more than 7.5 consecutive hours must be provided a minimum of 20 minutes of unpaid lunch time with a break being given no later than five hours after beginning work. No work can be done during break periods.

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, and sexual and relationship violence. Title IX requires that when an individual who is a "responsible employee" learns of sex discrimination, the responsible employee is required to promptly report specific information about the sex discrimination to DePaul's title IX coordinator or other appropriate designees. At DePaul, all DePaul faculty, staff and student employees are responsible employees.

For an overview of reporting responsibilities and a step-by-step response guide, as well as contact information for all the offices mentioned in this document, please view the Title IX & Sexual and Relationship Violence website.

Paid Sick Leave: 

According to the city of Chicago, "paid sick leave" can be used to recover from illness, take care of a family member, address domestic violence, and account for public health emergencies. Please see the Sick Time, Short and Long-Term Disability policy for additional details on when paid sick leave can be used. 

Will accrue at a rate of one (1) hour per thirty-five (35) hours worked.

- Employees may use up to sixty (60) hours per year.

Unused hours can be rolled over at the end of the year but will not be paid out upon termination.

Paid Leave: 

According to the city of Chicago, "paid leave" can be used for any reason, but requests to use it may be denied by the employer. Please see the City of Chicago's Paid Leave policy for additional details on when paid leave can be used. 

- Will accrue at a rate of one (1) hour per thirty-five (35) hours worked.

- Employees can accrue up to forty (40) hours per year.

- Up to sixteen (16) unused hours can be rolled over at the end of the year.

- Unused hours will be paid out upon termination.


U.S. citizens and/or permanent residents are limited to working a maximum of 25 hours per week as student employees. During school breaks and Summer Quarter(s), hours are not restricted.

Non–immigrant students in F–1 or J–1 status are limited to working 20 hours per week as mandated by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. International students should contact International Student & Scholar Services before working more than 20 hours per week over the Summer Quarters(s) and school breaks to ensure their eligibility.

All users who choose to participate in Career Center and/or Office of Student Employment services must abide by the user agreement. By logging into the Campus Job Board or the Career Center’s Handshake platform, students are indicating that they will adhere to the standards detailed in this agreement.

DePaul Human Resources Policies & Procedures

Here are just a few Human Resources policies and procedures to be aware of. Please consider browsing all HR guidelines​. DePaul University employees are expected to be familiar with these policies.