Exceptions to the above include university break periods, including Spring Break, Summer Break and Winter Break. During these periods a student employee remains eligible to hold a student position if they were enrolled in the required amount of hours in the preceding quarter. Other exceptions might include:
• Student working towards completion of doctoral or other terminal degree.
• Students requiring less than a full or half-time course load of classes needed in order to receive their degree. The Office of Student Employment will contact the student’s Academic Advisor and/or ISS Advisor and request approval be sent before the start of the quarter.
• Graduate students given one quarter extension after completion of their necessary classes to complete their thesis. The Office of Student Employment will contact the student’s Academic Advisor and/or ISS Advisor and request approval be sent before the start of the quarter.
All other enrollment exceptions must be cleared with both the Office of Student Employment and the student's academic area (and the International Student and Scholar Services when applicable).
Tip: Ask students for a copy of their schedule at the beginning of each quarter to ensure they are enrolled in the required number of credits. If your student employees drop a class, make sure they are still eligible for work on campus.