Chicago has so much to offer college students, and with the city being their classroom, it is natural for students and their families to raise questions about the safety issues around our campuses. To ease the concerns of students and families, DePaul wants to ensure that it keeps community members aware of the necessary tools provided to students to keep themselves safe as they explore the city!
- Safety Alerts: DePaul University's Public Safety office sends alerts to students, staff and faculty via email to notify them of a significant crime, crime patterns or a series of crimes that were committed on or near the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses. These alerts are issued even if the crime did not involve a DePaul community member. Family members and parents do not receive these email notifications, however, they can be reviewed any time on the safety alerts webpage.
- Safety escorts: Through the Public Safety Office, DePaul students, staff and faculty can utilize an escort service that transports them within campus boundaries during times of low activity when students may feel concern for their own personal safety. These escorts only travel within the Lincoln Park campus boundaries and can be utilized between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Read more about the escort service here.
- Blue Boxes: Across the Lincoln Park campus, there are exterior call boxes that can be easily identified by DePaul community members. These boxes allow people to report a fire, crime or major emergency on campus and allow DePaul's public safety officers to recognize where the emergency is happening.
- Inter-campus Shuttle Service: DePaul students, staff and faculty will be able to utilize a free transportation service between the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses. The shuttle buses will run Monday through Thursday from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on a continuous rotation. The shuttle bus will not operate on memorial Day. Riders must show a valid DePaul ID to use this service. Visit this link to learn more about the inter-campus shuttle.
- Safety Tips: Living in large city like Chicago, navigating local neighborhoods can be a challenge and it is crucial that students recognize some safety tips that could help them avoid becoming a victim of a possible crime. This includes being aware of their surroundings, trusting their instincts and remaining confident. Encourage your students to look over these safety tips from our Public Safety office.
If you or your student has more questions about Public Safety's role on campus or general concerns about safety near DePaul's campuses, contact our Public Safety office in Lincoln Park at 773-325-7777 or in the Loop at 312-362-8400.