Division of Student Affairs > Diversity & Culture > College Transitions

College Transitions

  • First Generation Student Support

    ​ The Office of Multicultural Student Success (OMSS) works with first generation college students by developing sustained developmental programs to support these students' college success. Beyond managing retention, persistence and empowerment programs, OMSS also serves as an advocacy office for marginalized college students during their time at DePaul. ​​​​

  • STARS Peer Mentoring

    ​​ Students Together Are Reaching Success (STARS) is a peer to peer mentoring programming for first time DePaul Students. Our Mentors are passionate about helping students adjust to DePaul by having outings, showing students how to use resources side by side and being a friendly face on campus. Mentors will check-in on mentees once a week to ensure their success. ​​

​​​Check out our video where first generation college students, faculty and staff share some wisdom about being first gen at DePaul:​
generation success video still