Information Services > Getting Started > How can we help?

How can we help?

​​Information Services is here to support the students, faculty and staff at DePaul University with technology-related questions or requests. These are the best ways to reach out:

Help Desk (

The Help Desk serves as a single point of contact for the vast majority of your technology needs at DePaul. Topics include: login issues, WiFi connection, ID cards, computer tech support, software access, classroom technology, computer labs, printing, remote learning and working resources, secure computing, phones and networks, and audio visual services.

Genius Squad

 The Genius Squad is DePaul's premiere support center for all current students. We provide free technical service and support for desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, and other devices.

ID Services

The ID Services offices issue DePaul ID Cards and U-Passes. The DePaul ID Card is an all-in-one identification card with multiple uses and benefits beyond the average ID.

Classroom Emergency Hotline

If you experience problems with the classroom technology during your class, press the Classroom Technology Hotline button on the phone next to the podium (or dial extension 2-5900) to speak with a support specialist.