Solution Summary: Unsubscribe from Broadcast Emails
Solution Details:
You have requested to unsubscribe from university email broadcasts. You have been receiving these messages because university records indicate that you are a current student, faculty member, staff member, retiree, or friend of DePaul University. Please be aware that certain messages are sent periodically to the entire university community on a need-to-know basis. Students, faculty, and staff may not choose to unsubscribe to these messages. For more information, please see the
email broadcast policy
If you are NOT a current student, faculty member or staff member then you may need to perform certain actions depending on your previous role with the university:
If you are NOT an active DePaul student:
If you are a newly admitted student and have decided not to attend
DePaul at this time, please contact the Office of Admission at at (312) 362-8300 or
If you have recently graduated, your student status will automatically change to inactive once your degree has been conferred (within 30 days of the end of your graduation term). If you were also a student worker, please see additional information below.
If you have not yet graduated, or you are enrolled but not seeking a degree, the university will consider you as an active student (and you will receive broadcast emails) unless you:
do not enroll for three consecutive quarters (two semesters for College of Law students), excluding Summer terms
did not enroll in the term for which you were admitted
enrolled as a student-at-large or in a one-term only program.
Once you meet one of these conditions the university will discontinue your active status.
If you have enrolled within the last three regular quarters (two semesters for Law students) and no longer wish to attend DePaul, you must formally withdraw from the university through our online process. Please follow the
Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Process instructions. Once this is processed, you will no longer be considered an active student and you will no longer receive broadcast emails.
If you were a student worker, faculty or staff member:
Your former department has not terminated your employment in the HR system. Please contact them to submit a termination request to Human Resources via Manager Self-Service. Once this is processed, you will no longer be considered an active employee and you will no longer receive broadcast emails. If you are unable to contact your former department, please contact DePaul Human Resources at
If none of the above apply to you:
Please contact the TSC directly at (312) 362-8765.