Student Employment > Manager Resources > Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals & Objectives

​​​​​​​​​Provide your students with an open environment to discuss career development

The performance appraisal process gives students and managers an opportunity to communicate areas that need to be improved while identifying areas of positive performance. Students and managers should discuss the appraisal results and create goals that will foster improved job and skill development, and support students as they pursue their educational goals. 

Here are the objectives of the performance appraisal:

  • Promoting an open dialogue between student employees and managers
  • Clarifying performance expectations, setting goals and monitoring progress
  • Providing formal, written performance feedback
  • Preparing student employees for increased responsibility
  • Cultivating a transfer of knowledge between academics and work
  • Developing workplace professionalism and skills
  • Motivating student employees through recognition and support

The first six months of employment are considered an introduction to the position, allowing for time to train and evaluate student employees’ effective adjustment to work tasks, conduct, oral and documented procedures, attendance and job responsibilities. It is suggested and encouraged that managers conduct a performance appraisal prior to the completion of the six-month introductory period. When an evaluation is completed and expectations have been met, you may submit a pay raise or salary change request.

If the performance appraisal is not completed prior to the end of the introductory period, the employee will be considered to be in good standing as of the introductory end date. Student employees are not subject to progressive discipline for poor job performances or policy violations during their introductory period (see Progressive Discipline Policy). All completed performance appraisals should be submitted to our office for review. Once reviewed by our team, all appraisals will be stored with Human Resources.

Please Note: Should problems arise with your student employees, you must contact the Assistant Director, Office of Student Employment, for a consultation.

After the completion of the six-month performance appraisal, appraisals are then suggested at least annually. Frequent feedback and pay raises provide incentive for students to remain in their position. A merit pay raise usually accompanies a positive performance appraisal. Typical hourly raises are between $.25 and $2.00 (see Compensation Chart). Change salary requests for raises can be requested in BlueSky via the following path: My Team > Compensation > Change Salary. Completed yearly performance appraisals should be submitted to our office for review. All materials will then be forwarded to and filed with Human Resources.

To effectively navigate the NEW Performance Appraisal Process, please review the steps below to ensure best practices.

Step 1: Have a conversation with your student about the Performance Appraisal process. 
Step 2: Provide the student instructions for completing their self-evaluation form (optional).  - There is a section of each form to enter up to 5 learning objectives. Please provide a list of the learning objectives to your student employees so they can enter those into their self-evaluation form.    
Step 3: Once the student completes the self-evaluation form (optional), the manager completes the performance appraisal form.   
Step 4: Schedule a meeting with students to discuss overall Performance Appraisal feedback. 

Please find the links to the forms below:
Manager form
Student form

OSE Tips:
Before completing this form, the manager should inform the student employee(s) of the process, including scheduling a meeting to discuss the appraisal. This form should be completed prior to that discussion, with the topics listed serving as a guide. 

There is an optional self-evaluation form that student employees can complete prior to this discussion. If you choose to include this optional step, their self-evaluation form should be completed before the manager completes the student appraisal. 

During the employee-manager discussion, previously set goals should also be reviewed and evaluated upon. This meeting should help students and managers have career development conversations and create new goals for the next appraisal period. Performance appraisals serve as a supplement to, not a replacement for, on-going feedback. 
