Housing > About > FAQ > Spring Quarter

Spring Quarter 2023

​​​​​​​​​​​Last Updated: March 20, 2023

This webpage is for information pertaining to Spring Quarter housing as well as events leading up to Spring Quarter, like Spring Break. Please note that your plans for Spring Break may impact the start of your Spring Quarter on campus.

Spring Break

Yes, you may remain on campus during Spring Break. 

Spring Move-In​

Please go to the Move-In webpage and review details in the Spring Move-In section.

​Room Selection and Returnin​g for Next Year

Room Selection is a housing process that takes place in the spring for continuing DePaul students (i.e., rising sophomores and upperclassmen) who are interested in living on campus the following year. For information about Room Selection for the 2023-24 academic year, including how to apply, visit the Room Selection webpage.