DePaul University Academic Affairs > Faculty Resources > Teaching > Quality Of Instruction Council > QIC Grant Programs

QIC Grant Programs

​​​​​The following table provides an overview of the six grant programs currently offered by the Quality of Instruction Council.  For more details on these grant programs, including funding levels, see the:

After selecting a program, be sure to read the Council's proposal instructions before applying:

Please note that eligibility to submit proposals for these grants is limited to tenured and tenure-track faculty with the exception of the Competitive Instructional Grant – Term and Part-Time Faculty.  For some programs, term and part-time faculty may participate in faculty teams led by a tenured or tenure-track faculty member.  These exceptions are noted in the Council Grant Program Guide.

Program Purpose
Competitive Instructional Grant
Fosters pedagogical excellence by supporting projects that promise a direct and significant impact on the quality of teaching, including short-term study abroad program development. 
Competitive Instructional Grant - Term and Part-Time Faculty
This grant has the same goals as the Competitive Instructional Grant above.  The difference is that this program is specifically intended for term and part-time faculty.
Departmental Initiative Grant
Helps departments improve the quality of teaching and learning (including the assessment of teaching) across degree-credit programs.
Global Engagement Grant
For faculty with concrete plans to engage with an international partner institution or faculty member to enhance their teaching practice, including conducting short cycles of visiting lectures, master classes etc.
Interdisciplinary Instructional Grant
Fosters interdisciplinary curricular innovation within degree-grant programs at DePaul.  Support for faculty members from across local academic units and/or disciplines who are working together to develop an innovative interdisciplinary curricular enhancement.
Summer Stipend
Supports faculty members' summer work on curricular planning or pedagogical design, as well as intellectual development in new areas explicitly required by the curricular needs of a department or college.