Division of Student Affairs > Student Services > Health & Wellness > Mental Well-being > Refresh Sleep

Refresh Sleep

​​​​​​ When life becomes hectic and stressful, sleep is often the first thing that gets disrupted. Sufficient quality sleep is important for your brain functioning, mental, physical and emotional health. It is critical for improving our memory, boosting our immune system, improving our mood and overall well-being.

Tips and Tools for better sleep

  • Enroll in the 7-week online email based Refresh Sleep program to make adjustments to your sleep and improve your snooze. Complete the registration here. You will receive a welcome email once enrolled, if you do not receive one within a week, please email hpw@depaul.edu
  • Keep a schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at similar times to keep a consistent schedule; aiming for 8-10 hours per night
  • Wake up on the first alarm and avoid snooze
  • Keep a sleep diary to track your sleep
  • Manage your stress by trying deep breathing and mindfulness techniques
  • Increase your sunlight exposure
  • If you choose to nap, make sure it is before 2pm and for no longer than 20-30 minutes
  • Turn off all of your electronics at least 60 minutes before you go to bed.
  • Limit your caffeine intake at least 4–6 hours before you go to sleep in order to give your body ample time to eliminate the stimulant from your body and allow your brain to sleep when it's time.

Refresh Sleep Program

Enroll in the 7-week online email based Refresh Sleep program to make adjustments to your sleep and improve your snooze. You will receive a welcome email once enrolled, if you do not receive one within a week, please email hpw@depaul.edu

Enroll Now
