Office of New Student & Family Engagement implements new student orientation to aid in the transition of students and families into the university. The information provided here is designed to make parents and family members feel confident and excited as their student begins their first quarter at DePaul!
Our orientation programs, Premiere DePaul for freshmen and Transition DePaul for transfer and adult students, provide students with the tools for a successful first year. Parent and Family Orientation provides an opportunity for parents and family members to connect with university staff and current students, while also becoming familiar with the resources available to support their student during their time at DePaul. New student orientation includes two required portions: an academic advising appointment and a Premiere or Transition DePaul orientation session.
Learn more about freshman orientation
here. Learn more about transfer orientation
Students are required to participate in all portions of orientation. During the academic advising appointment, students will meet with an academic advisor to register for courses. In the Premiere or Transition DePaul session, students will learn about the university and participate in small and large group sessions with current and fellow students.
Parents and other family members are not required to attend, but are welcome to join their student at the Premiere or Transition DePaul session. If you would like to learn more about parent sessions, please click
Premiere DePaul Guest Schedule.pdf for additional information. To supplement the orientation, several videos are posted below to address common questions we receive from parents and family members. We encourage you to review these videos at your leisure.
Take Care DePaul for Families
Take Care DePaul is an approach to community health and well-being that introduces students to healthy decision making in their first-year and continues to support them throughout their time at DePaul. Offices across the university, including, the Department of Residential Education, Center for Students with Disabilities, the Dean of Students Office, University Counseling and the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness collaborate to guide students in creating healthy social, academic, and mental health habits.
Public Safety
DePaul’s Public Safety team manages a variety of services designed to keep students on DePaul’s Loop and Lincoln Park campuses safe and secure, including DPU text alerts, Emergency Call Towers, and other alarm systems for immediate communication with Public Safety staff. DePaul Public Safety. In addition to emergency and crime responses, Public Safety also provides guidance and education to students about best practices for keeping themselves safe in the city.
Name Above the Door
DePaul’s Vincentian mission originates in the story of French Catholic priest St. Vincent DePaul. St. Vincent DePaul’s dedication to extending education, healthcare, employment and other resources that support livelihood to marginalized communities is best reflected in the defining question, “What must be done?” Today, students and faculty at DePaul ask the same question of themselves and their peers, fueling DePaul’s mission to challenge systems of oppression and inequality in Chicago and beyond.
Career Center
The DePaul University Career Center inspires excitement about the future and empowers DePaul students to own and shape their personal and professional journeys. We encourage students to begin their exploration and career development process from day one and are eager to partner with you in support of your student’s success. Learn more about our services by visiting
our website, including our
services for new students page.
Academic Advising and Course Registration
The Office for Academic Advising and Support empowers students with information and personalized advising to build paths to success in their education and future careers. OOAS collaborates with offices and organizations across the university to provide students with programming that encourages major and career exploration, useful tools for academic planning and smooth transitions to DePaul for transfer students.
Finalizing Your Finances
The Office of Financial Aid at DePaul Central is hub for student financial management. DePaul Central uses Campus Connect as a portal for online management for tuition payment, financial aid and account activity. Students can work with this portal to apply for loans, make payments and grant account access to parents and guardians. Students and parents can seek further assistance through
DePaul Central’s website.
Engage with the Mission
DePaul’s Division of Mission and Ministry builds programming for students, faculty and other members of the DePaul community to engage with the Vincentian Mission. The Division of Mission and Ministry collaborates with offices and organizations across the university to enhance the collective understanding and practice of DePaul’s mission in marginalized communities.
Study Abroad
DePaul’s Study Abroad sends over 1,100 students to over 40 countries every year. Study Abroad at DePaul includes a Study Abroad Diversity Committee, dedicated to ensuring inclusivity in study abroad experiences at DePaul. Short term, long term, December intersession and summer programs are offered at DePaul with academic components that progress students towards a degree. The Study Abroad office also assists students in applying for grants and scholarships to study abroad from both the university as well as external scholarship sources.
Parent and Family Orientation Wrap Up
Learn how New Student and Family Engagement supports your students through their first year at DePaul. NSFE connects students with a student success network to provide personal support to aid your student’s success.

Download the New Student Calendar
Checkout the NSFE New Student Calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year!
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