As usual, registration for next quarter is not far away. Course enrollment begins on Thursday, April 29. To view their specific enrollment date and time, students should visit Campus Connect>Manage Classes>Enrollment Dates. They can also check for and take care of holds, to do’s and warnings that can delay registration by clicking on the Tasks tile in Campus Connect.
Before registering for classes, students should review their Degree Progress Report (DPR) to see what classes they still need to take. To get there, they should go to Campus Connect>Academic Progress>Degree Progress>Run Report. After this, students can add courses to their course carts ahead of enrollment.
Students are also encouraged to make an appointment with their advisor to go over their class choices. To do this, students can visit Campus Connect>Student Resources>BlueStar Student Report. Then, students can navigate to My Success Network by clicking the menu button in the upper left corner.