DePaul University Academic Affairs > Faculty Resources > Academic Integrity > Violation Definitions

Violation Definitions

  1. Cheating. Cheating is any action that violates university norms or instructor guidelines for the preparation and submission of assignments. This includes, but is not limited to: unauthorized access to examination materials prior to the examination itself; use or possession of unauthorized materials during the examination or quiz; having someone take an examination in one's place; copying from another student; unauthorized assistance to another student; or acceptance of such assistance.
  2. Plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when one uses words, ideas, or work products attributed to an identifiable source, without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained, in a situation where there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship in order to obtain benefit, credit, or gain. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following:
    1. The direct copying of any source, such as written and verbal material, computer files, audio disks, video programs or musical scores, whether published or unpublished, in whole or part, without proper acknowledgement that it is someone else’s.
    2. Copying of any source in whole or part without proper acknowledgement.
      1. This includes using others’ work and;
      2. The reuse or repurposing of any previously submitted version of one’s own work-product or data into a “new” product without requesting permission from the current instructor (also known as “self-plagiarism”).
    3. Submitting as one’s own work—a report, examination paper, computer file, lab report, or other assignment—that has been prepared by someone else. This includes research papers purchased from any other person or agency.
    4. The paraphrasing of another's work or ideas without proper acknowledgement.
  3. Fabrication, Falsification or Sabotage of Research Data. Fabrication, falsification or sabotage of research data is any action that misrepresents, willfully distorts or alters the process and results of scholarly investigation. This includes but is not limited to making up or fabricating data as part of a laboratory, fieldwork or other scholarly investigation; knowingly distorting, altering or falsifying the data gained by such an investigation; stealing or using without the consent of the instructor data acquired by another student; representing the research conclusions of another as one’s own; and undermining or sabotaging the research investigations of another person.
  4. Destruction or Misuse of the University’s Academic Resources. Destruction or misuse of the university’s academic resources includes but is not limited to unauthorized access to or use of university resources including equipment and materials; stealing, destroying or deliberately damaging library materials; preventing, in an unauthorized manner, others' access to university equipment, materials or resources; using university equipment, materials or resources to destroy, damage or steal the work of other students or scholars. Given the importance of computers to the academic functioning of the university, computer usage is of particular concern under this general heading. The special rules for computer usage can be found in the Code of Student Responsibility.
  5. Alteration or Falsification of Academic Records. Alteration or falsification of academic records includes any action that tampers with official university records or documents. This includes but is not limited to: any alteration through any means whatsoever of an academic transcript, a grade or grade change card; unauthorized use of university documents including letterhead; and misrepresentation of one's academic accomplishments, awards or credentials.
  6. Academic Misconduct. Academic misconduct is any action that deliberately undermines the free exchange of ideas in the learning environment, threatens the impartial evaluation of the students by the instructor or advisor, or violates standards for ethical or professional behavior established by a course or program. This includes but is not limited to attempts to bribe an instructor or advisor for academic advantage; persistent hostile treatment of, or any act or threat of violence against, an instructor, advisor or other students; and/or actions or behavior that violate standards for ethical or professional behavior established by a course or program in an off-campus setting and that could damage the university’s relationship with community partners and affiliated institutions.
  7. Complicity. Complicity is any intentional attempt to facilitate any of the violations described above. This includes but is not limited to allowing another student to copy from homework, paper or test document; providing any kind of material—including one’s research, data, or writing—to another student if one believes it might be misrepresented to a teacher or university official; providing information about or answers to test questions.
  8. Noncompliance. Failure to comply with the Academic Integrity procedures contained herein may result in a separate violation under the Policy.