Division of Student Affairs > Student Services > Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

​Embracing a healthy lifestyle and creating a culture of health and well-being fosters personal and academic success. DePaul University offers many supports and resources on campus for individuals to create and sustain long-term 9 behaviors. To request an individual appointment, workshop or program visit our Health Education page. Check out our Health Promotion & Wellness 2024-2025 Program Menu.

Professional Training

Health Promotion & Wellness (HPW) offers many workshops and trainings for staff, faculty and student leaders. These include but are not limited to: Mental Health First Aid Training, I Care For You: Trauma-Informed Response Training, Narcan Training, Know You Rights, Recovery Ally, and Motivational Interviewing Training. Check out our menu to learn about our different trainings. Visit this page to see our upcoming trainings.

  • Take Care DePaul

    Take Care DePa​ul is a call to action for everyone in the DePaul community (students, staff, faculty and alumni) to care for their own well-being, care for each other, and the entire DePaul community.

  • Alcohol & Substance Misuse Prevention & Support

    Learn more about ​programs that empower you to make the most-informed decisions for yourself. Explore programs like BASICS and CHOICES that empower you to take charge of your relationship with alcohol and substances in a non-judgmental way and learn more about the Collegiate Recovery Community and SEEDS!
  • Mental Well-being

    Learn more about programs and services that support your mental well-being like Refresh Sleep, Wellness Wednesdays, and more! Understand the facets of wellness and how caring for yourself with a holistic perspective can better support your overall health and well-being.

  • Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention

    Gain resources an​d knowledge to improve your knowledge about consent, healthy relationships, communication, intimate partner violence and Survivor Support Advocacy. Also get connected to Title IX information, reporting, conduct processes and other resources at DePaul.
  • Health Equity and Inclusion

    At the core of its mission, HPW centers on the well-being of our entire community. We stand ready and committed to help lead the change to reduce discrimination and marginalization and improve healthy inequity and social jus​tice.

  • Health Resources

    Learn more a​bout health services that improve your overall wellness like, health insurance, immunizations, sexual health and more!