Housing > About


Housing at DePaul

Life in a residence hall is an important aspect of a college education experience. Residence halls are more than just rooms or places to sleep. They are places where students develop meaningful friendships, explore new ideas and get involved with the university community. Living in campus housing provides the opportunity to learn to balance the academic and social aspects of life at DePaul University.

Our Mission

Grounded in DePaul University’s Vincentian values and distinguishing marks, the staff of DePaul Housing administers the processes for living on campus and partners with others in promoting this experience. We strive to provide exceptional services within our high-quality, residential facilities while also encouraging residents’ personal growth and community responsibility.

Our Vision

DePaul Housing aspires to be a valued and vital partner in on-campus residents' pursuit of educational success. We trust that the environment we create will offer our residents a rewarding experience that will enrich their lives academically, socially, and culturally.​​