Global Engagement > Student Resources > Getting Involved > MEAL with DePaul

MEAL with DePaul

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​MEAL with DePaul is a program that invites DePaul faculty and staff members to host international students in their homes for a meal during the quarter.

This meal is not related to a specific holiday or cuisine but is intended to help international students gain a better understanding of American families and American culture. It is also a great way for interested hosts to expose their families to different cultures and learn more about DePaul's global community.

Interested in Attending?

Students interested in attending a MEAL with DePaul event should complete the student application below:

Interested in Hosting? 

Faculty and staff interested in hosting a MEAL with DePaul event should complete the host application below: 


If you have any questions about the MEAL with DePaul program, please contact International Student Success at globaldepaul@depa​​​ ​