Global Engagement > Student Resources > Getting Involved > ISEE Peer Mentor

ISEE Peer Mentor

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Are you a new international student looking to connect with other students at DePaul? Come join one of our International Student Experience Exchange (ISEE) programs designed to match you in groups of other students, so you don't feel so alone as you start your program at DePaul.

  • ISEE Peer Mentor Program is open to new international students in their first quarter.  If you sign up, you will be matched with a group of other new students and will have 1-2 peer mentors in the group with you to help answer questions and support you as you explore DePaul resources and learn how to be a successful DePaul student.

In groups, you will have the opportunity to make deeper connections that enhance the quality of your DePaul experience. 

ISEE Mentee Application (New DePaul Students)

ISEE Peer Mentor

To apply, you should have at least completed your first quarter at DePaul.

Become an ISEE Peer Mentor

​​For More Information

For more information on the ISEE program, contact an ISEE program coordinator at globaldepaul@depau​​
