Global Engagement > Partnerships > Programs for Partner Institutions > Helping You Get Started With Virtual Exchange

Helping You Get Started With Virtual Exchange

Professional Development Workshop for Partner Institutions

As an in-depth faculty training opportunity, DePaul University offers a formal professional development workshop aimed at training professors interested in implementing virtual exchange (VE) projects in their classes. The workshop takes place online and lasts three weeks. Participants commit to a series of online, asynchronous activities, including readings and discussions. Activities are structured in four modules, requiring an overall time commitment of approximately twenty hours. Participants also attend three synchronous, 2-hour long meetings, usually scheduled for Friday mornings (US Central Time). The workshop is offered twice a year; exact dates and registration deadlines can be found here or by visiting​

Cost Structure:

Group A

Cost per participant*: $600 

Group B​

  • Participants from all other institutions

Cost per participant*:$1,200

*Cost subject to change without prior notice.  

Individual participants can register directly here.

Institutions interested in bringing a group of participants to the the same workshop session, please email to obtain detailed registration instructions.​

-These words describe everything about the training: helpful, concrete, practical. Also I felt that there was real magic in the interactions with other group members. ~Elizbeth A. 

-In some ways I learned important new perspectives, and in others it was so comforting to feel that the course I'm about to begin is on the right track already. ~Jan B.

-I enjoyed most of the modules and thought that they were relevant. In fact, some of them made us aware of our own predispositions and stereotypes as well. So it was also a strong self-reflection process. ~Emel O.

-The workshops and the materials are top notch and very helpful for building [virtual exchange] courses. ~Michele M.


Introductory Meeting/Info Session

If your institution is interested in starting a new virtual exchange (VE) program or would like to expand your existing program, members of the DePaul GLE team are happy to meet with you virtually to discuss the individual needs of your institution, determine goals and/or areas of growth, and offer suggestions for best next steps.  If you are interested in an introductory meeting, please contact us at

Customized Introductory Workshops

Based on each institution’s needs, DePaul University offers customized introductory workshops for professors and administrators. Pricing can vary based on length and format. Common topics include: VE definitions/terminology, projects’ macro-structure, detailed examples and analysis, strategic rationales for VE, evidence of efficacy (survey data), interactive exercises, and others. Workshops for administrators/university leadership also include topics on university-wide planning and implementation, alignment with strategic priorities, exploration of available resources, local structures and processes for VE initiative launch, among others. Workshops for faculty focus more directly on aspects of the pedagogy and on lessons learned. If you are interested in a customized introductory workshop, please contact us at​