DePaul Global Engagement is proud to present the 2021 virtual summer symposium: Seizing Emerging Opportunities in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI).

Program Details
This summer symposium is an opportunity to discuss and share experiences about current issues in higher education internationalization. Our inaugural event on English as Medium of Instruction, will be led by Dr. Chris Worthman, Director of DePaul’s Secondary Education Program. Dr. Worthman is an associate professor of Secondary English Education, who has led the annual summer program for international faculty, the Language and Pedagogy Institute since its inception in 2011.
Following his keynote address, we will hear from a panel of peers who will share their experiences leading EMI programs, in the context of their countries and institutions. Participants will also view a brief presentation on how Virtual Exchanges contribute to student learning in EMI and other contexts. Lastly, Dr. Worthman will lead participants in small group discussions around best practices and areas for future collaboration and development related to EMI efforts.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Keynote Address by Chris Worthman
- Virtual Exchange Programs Presentation
- Panel Discussion
- Question and Answer
- Opportunities for Future Collaboration
Liliana Alvarado Tostado Penella is currently the International Affairs Director at Universidad Panamericana (UP) Mexico. Liliana founded the Language Center at UP 29 years ago. She is a Psychologist from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), earned a pedagogy Degree at UP and a Master in NeuroScience and Education from Universidad Villanueva Madrid, Spain.
Ivana Bajakić is a Jean Monnet Professor of EU Financial Markets and Regulation at the Faculty of Law University of Zagreb. Her research is focused on the area of political economy and securities markets regulation. Prior to her job at the University, she worked as an advisor at the Croatian National Competitiveness Council and a researcher at the Economic Institute at the Lund University in Sweden.
Kelly (Jau-Rong) Chen is the director of the International MBA (iMBA) program at College of Management and Design, Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT), in Taiwan, R.O.C. As the director of iMBA, MCUT, Kelly is responsible for iMBA course design and promotion. Kelly has taught courses using EMI in the iMBA program which hosts international students from Southeast Asia, Mongolia, the Gambia, and France.
Elia Cornelio Marí is Assistant Professor in Communication at the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (Mexico), where she teaches methodology and discourse analysis. Her main research interest is television studies.
Milton Humberto Lopez Diosdado is a professor at the Normal de Especialización “Humberto Ramos
Lozano” (ENE HRL) in Monterrey, Mexico at the undergraduate and master level in planning and attention to diversity. In collaboration with the professors of English teaching, he worked on the design of the EMI program at ENEHRL.
Guadalupe Martínez Ortiz is the coordinator of the Educational Research Department of the Escuela Normal Superior "Moisés Sáenz Garza" and a language teacher at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus. Miss Martinez has experience in Teaching Spanish for foreigners, Spanish as a mother tongue and English as a second language. She has a PhD in Educational Research and Innovation.