Global Engagement > Partnerships > Programs for Partner Institutions > UJAT Collab Curriculum Design

Collaborative Curriculum Design and Instructional Strategies

Project summary:

  • Students created written lesson plans that incorporate objectives grounded in the common core standards and provide structured, scaffolded, and rigorous learning and assessment opportunities designed to meet the learning needs of diverse students.
  • Students integrated technologies, including assistive technology, via lesson plan creation and teaching demonstrations, into their teaching to varying degrees to create authentic and enhanced learning and assessment opportunities for diverse students.
  • Students developed curriculum that meets the needs of diverse learners and to integrate technology into the curriculum and instructional delivery processes.

Project length:

  • 10-11 weeks

Technology tools used:

  • Blackboard Collaborate, Skype, Dropbox, VoiceThread, GoogleDocs, Facebook

Interaction Mode:

  • Synchronous
  • Asynchronous

Learning outcomes:

  • Students will use digital technology to collaborate with Mexican university students to design curriculum and instructional strategies.
  • Students will write an inter-cultural curriculum module and implement digitally instructional strategies to teach that curriculum.
  • Students will analyze their collaborative activities and curriculum in terms of its contribution to their teacher preparation and its value for developing digital technology skills.

Christopher Worthman

Institution: DePaul University
Discipline: Teacher education
Course name: Teaching English in the High Schools 1

Oscar Alberto González

Institution: College of Information Technology at Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT)
Discipline: Teacher education
Course name: Collaborative Work