Global Engagement > Partnerships > Programs for Partner Institutions > Sustainability and Climate Resilience

Sustainability and Climate Resilience: A Global and Multidisciplinary Intercultural Perceptions Exchange

​​​​​Project Summary: 

  • ​In this GLE project, students from DePaul University worked with students from Université Paris-Saclay in France and Universidade De Caxias Do Sul in Brazil to learn about sustainability initiatives in cities outside their own. St​​udents collaborated in groups with participants from each university to develop a sustainability project that they later presented. In this project, they assessed the environmental situation of a chosen city and presented the best environmental initiatives already implemented in that city. They then found additional environmental problems that needed attention and presented potential solutions. The GLE project was an opportunity to develop a mastery of sustainability and climate resilience issues, as well as to develop intercultural competence and find ways to communicate across linguistic repertoires. ​
Project Length: 
  • 10 weeks​

Technology Tools Used: 

  • VoiceThread
  • WhatsApp
  • Google Docs​ 

Interaction Mode: 

  • ​Synchronous
  • Asynchronous  

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Students learned to see the world differently through interactions and reflections with students in Brazil and France.
  • Students developed a broader perspective on how and where sustainability issues and concepts fit in business and in society.
  • ​Students learned to communicate and express that perspective in their intercultural, virtual, interdisciplinary work teams across borders, time zones and cultures.

Mona Pearl

faculty name

Institution: DePaul University
Discipline: Management
Course name: Sustainability and Climate Resiliance: Senior Seminar

Fabio Verruk

faculty name

Institution: Universidade De Caxias Do Sul
Discipline: Business
Course name: Intercultural Communication

Sylvaine Perrichot

Institution: Université Paris-Saclay
Discipline: English For Scientists
Course name: English Language


Partner Institutions:

DePaul University
Chicago, IL, United States

Universidade De Caxias Do Sul
Caxias Do Sul, Brazil


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