Project Summary:
- This collaborative GLE project came to fruition between DePaul students and students from the University of Calabar in Nigeria. It was an educational and artistic forum for sharing stories about personal and community responses to climate change. Sharing climate stories help build an inclusive and effective movement to confront the climate crisis. In this project, students wrote their personal climate stories. In addition, they conducted interviews of community members to record their personal oral history regarding their experience with climate change impacts. From these interviews, they created short films about climate change in the region. They discussed the similarities and differences they found of their climate change experiences and collaborated on final group papers.
Project Length:
Technology Tools Used:
Interaction Mode:
Learning Outcomes:
Students identified environmental, social, and economic impacts of climate change on the Niger Delta and Chicago
Students described different approaches to responding to the impacts from climate change in the U.S. and Nigeria
Students described the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of climate change in Nigeria and the U.S.
Faculty Feedback:
"It was amazing that students from Chicago and Nigeria discovered they had so much in common through the project. Many students commented during the reflection period that they had no idea that these two areas that are very different in location and geography has very similar climate impacts. "
~ Dr. Margaret Workman
"I would also say that all the participated students have gotten greater insight/ understanding of climate change issues and have equally developed the zeal / determination to be advocates of Climate Change mitigation.Overall, it was an awesome experience and very educative not only to the students but personally to me as an instructor in the course of the GLE program."
Margaret Workmen
Institution: DePaul University
Discipline: Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
Course name: Global Energy Systems
Pauline Essoka
Institution: University of Calabar
Discipline: Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
Course name: Global Energy Systems