Whether your student is returning to Chicago for class or they are starting their first quarter at DePaul, the beginning of fall quarter always takes some adjustment. Finding a balance between school, work and a social life can
be difficult, especially when your student is in a big city with an infinite
number of things to do. With so much constantly going on and with
rapidly-moving courses, your student will need some guidance to navigate
DePaul, Chicago and everything in between.
You and your student can follow Veep Gene, the vice president
for Student Affairs, for every day posts on activities, events, opportunities
and more around both DePaul campuses! Follow him for student perspectives
during exams while students take over his account; tune in to the adventures of
Stu Dent during #GnomeHunt2020 in the spring (catch him live at various events
around campus)! Whether you are a parent or a student, @VeepGene is a great way
to keep yourself in the loop with everything going on at DePaul!