Division of Student Affairs > Diversity & Culture > Academic Support

Academic Support

Academic Success Check-Ins

Academic success check-ins are geared towards maintaining a successful experience here at DePaul. Students can reach out to OMSS staff to schedule a check-in to discuss your grades, your student leadership involvement, your personal wellness and to give you strategies to assure academic success.

Each session is designed to talk about YOU and YOUR needs.

  • Book Loan Program

    ​ With more than 1,500 books available, the Office of Multicultural Student Success (OMSS)'s Book Loan Library helps defer the cost of textbooks for students using this service. Students can borrow any textbook in the OMSS library free of charge for an entire quarter. ​

  • Study Jams

    ​ Study Jams, offered by the Office of Multicultural Student Success, promotes an academic "Success Network" for our target population by providing direct academic support and assisting students in developing and refining success skills. ​