Housing > About > Staff > Live-In Staff Roles

Live-In Staff Roles

​​​Housing & Residence Life is responsible for building a sense of community at DePaul, providing high-quality engagement in the residence halls as well as responding to student crisis/concerns. To support these initiatives, we have live-in staff members available to students in the halls. Each of these positions play a valuable role in making sure the residential experience is engaging, safe, and inclusive. 

Resident Assistant (RA) 

Total on campus = 57 

Resident Assistants (RAs) are undergraduate student employees who live in the residence halls and have been selected and trained to assist and support residents. They help build community by providing educational opportunities and referral information. They can also help residents address roommate conflicts and adjust to college life. 

Housing & Residence Life begins the recruitment process for hiring RAs in January of any given academic year.  

​​Residence Director (RD) 

Total on campus = 5

Residence Directors (RDs) are full-time, professional staff members who supervise the student resident assistant (RA) staff, as well as facilitate educational and social opportunities in the residence halls. RDs are available for support, advice, and advocacy. They typically live in an apartment in a residence hall. RDs are responsible for responding to policy violations and providing emergency response to student incidents that occur outside of normal business hours. 

Area Coordinator (AC) 

Total on campus = 2  

Area Coordinators (ACs) are responsible for leading a comprehensive and inclusive residential living program, including managing an Area Office (keys, forms, processes, etc.) and co-management of summer programs. They also support living and learning environments that encourage community development, retention, and healthy and safe living. ACs are expected to incorporate an interactive and intentional approach to student learning, empowerment, and personal growth. ​