DePaul University Academic Affairs > Leadership Resources > Classroom & Building Space > Types of Events

Types of Events

University-Related Event

A University-related event is one that is internally sponsored and led by a department, faculty member, student organization, or employee of DePaul for some benefit to the DePaul community. University functions are normally exempt from room rental, facility setup, and/or audio-visual fees.

Special conditions:

  1. Any events requiring registration payment and/or admission costs to attend are subject to room rental costs.
  2. All events providing food and/or beverages must be catered through Chartwells Dining Service (773-325-7499).

University Co-Sponsored Event

A University co-sponsored event is one that is led or supported by the University, a department, or faculty member in which the DePaul community derives a benefit and the entire university community is welcomed.

Special Conditions:

  1. Room scheduling and a completed internal (department co-sponsoring the event) space reservation form must be executed by the sponsoring department or faculty member.
  2. Any department or faculty member co-sponsoring an event with an outside organization is responsible for providing an internal liaison to handle special needs for the event.
  3. Any events requiring payment and/or admission costs to attend are subject to room rental costs.
  4. Student organizations holding fee-related events in support of their organization are subject to room rental costs.
  5. All events providing food and/or beverages must be catered through Chartwells Dining Service (773-325-7499).
  6. Planned events that are in competition/conflict with a DePaul University program or courses are prohibited.

Non-University Event

A non-university event is one that has no affiliation/association with the University. Non-university functions are subject to room rental costs.

Special Conditions:

  1. All External Clients must complete a terms of agreement and provide proof of insurance in order to secure space on campus. Please contact for more information.
  2. Planned events that are in competition/conflict with a DePaul University program or courses are prohibited.
  3. All events providing food and/or beverages must be catered through Chartwells Dining Service (773-325-7499).