DePaul University Academic Affairs > About > Initiatives > Innovation Through Collaboration

Innovation Through Collaboration

​DePaul strives to maintain a collaborative culture that promotes innovative cross-disciplinary, cross-college research and teaching.  Many subjects-especially so-called "wicked" problems-can be better defined and studied when faculty from different disciplinary backgrounds work together.  DePaul supports collaborative research, recognizing and rewarding collaborative work through tenure and promotion and annual review processes, crating physical and virtual spaces for collaboration, and providing funding for collaborative projects. 

Much of the original work on these initiatives was completed by the Faculty Council Cross-College Collaboration Task Force; working together with Academic Affairs between Spring 2014 and Spring 2017, this group proposed new categories of internal grants to support collaborative research and teaching, contributed to the development of collaborative work spaces in the Loop and Lincoln Park, and submitted guidelines for evaluating faculty collaborative work that was approved for inclusion in chapter 3 of the Faculty Handbook.

Internal Grants to Support Collaborative Research and Teaching

The Public Service Council's Community-Engages Teaching Grant supports collaboration between two or more DePaul faculty to incorporate meaningful community-engaged pedagogy into and across the curriculum.

The Quality of Instruction Council's Interdisciplinary Instructional Grant supports faculty from different disciplines and departments working together to develop innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum.

The University Research Council (URC)'s Collaborative Research Grant: Encourages teams of faculty from across academic units to engage in interdisciplinary investigations of research problems.

Larger in scale than the Collaborative Research Grant, the URC's Provost's Collaborative Research Grant encourages teams of faculty members from across academic units to engage in interdisciplinary investigations of research problems.

For more information about these grants, click here.

Academic Growth and Innovation Fund (AGIF)

The Academic Growth and Innovation Fund (AGIF) program was established in 2018 with a yearly budget of $2M to find, encourage, and support innovative academic ideas that will positively impact DePaul revenue within the next 3 years. Proposals may range from projects involving the collection of data needed to conceptualize an innovative idea to projects ready for full implementation.  Read more.

Research & Innovation Partnerships

Internal and external partnerships serve as a core foundation for research, innovation, and technology commercialization at DePaul.  Two new partnerships have been formed with the Illinois Science & Technology Coalition and the Sinai Urban Health Institute in 2020.

Illinois Science and Technology Coalition

DePaul University solidified its partnership with the Illionois Science & Technology Coalition (ISTC) by becoming an official member in 2020.  ISTC strengthens the state's innovation economy through data collection, policy advocacy, and impactful programs.  Their affiliated Institute provides STEM-education program s that connect classrooms with companies to better prepare the next generation of problem-solvers.

Sinai Urban Health Institute (SUHI)

A memorandum of understanding signed in August of 2020 by Sinai and DePaul is intended to foster more opportunities for the institutions to work together.  The agreement includes providing shared education programs for students and researchers, jointly pursuing research and grant opportunities, sharing expertise and data, and promoting sustainable community-academic partnerships aimed at addressing health inequities.

The University maintains partnerships with Chicago-based organizations that support social impact with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship outside of the University.  Read more.

Research & Innovation Leadership Fellowship

The Research & Innovation Leadership Fellows Program offers select faculty members the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the administration of an academic research enterprise, community partnership, and/or technology commercialization.  Read more.

DePaul Innovation Day

Every January since 2019, the Office of the Provost, The Office of Academic Events, and the Office of Research Services (ORS) organize DePaul Innovation Day.  This day showcases, recognizes, and celebrates innovative projects and partnership at DePaul and beyond including projects with partners such as the Sinai Urban Institute (SUHI).  Read more.​