Division of Student Affairs > Events > Involvement Fairs

Involvement Fairs

​​Are you a student interested in learning more about DePaul's 300+ student organizations? Want to meet new people, be connected, and get involved? Attending an Involvement Fair in the fall and winter quarters will allow you to meet members of DePaul's active student organizations, join groups to connect with, and get more information about upcoming campus events.

9/06 - Lincoln Park Involvement Fair & Real Life Recess | LPC QUAD

9/10 - Loop Involvement Fair | DePaul Center Concourse


Fall Involvement Fair Banner, 2022


This Fall Quarter, the Office of Student Involvement will be hosting an Involvement Fair at the Lincoln Park Campus and the Loop Campus (DePaul Center Concourse). If you are interested in registering your student organization or attending the events, check out DeHub to learn more!

Make sure to check out DeHub for student organizations, campus events, and more!