Division of Student Affairs > About > Staff Directory > Stefani M. Pila

Stefani Pila, PhD, LCP

Staff Psychologist, Licensed Clinical Psychologist

  • Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Lehigh University
  • M.Ed. in Counseling and Human Services, Lehigh University
  • B.A. in History, University of Florida
  • B.S. in Psychology, University of Florida
Relevant Experience

Dr. Stefani Pila (she/her) strongly identifies as a university counseling center psychologist and has worked with adolescents and adults in a variety of university counseling centers since 2014. She also has experience working in an intensive outpatient program and an outpatient group practice as well as other areas of student affairs, providing her with extensive knowledge on resources available to students both on and off-campus.

Stefani believes that the therapeutic relationship is extremely important in supporting students’ mental health journeys and seeks to build strong rapport with clients while also encouraging them to reflect on their concerns in new ways. While Stefani primarily conceptualizes from a time-limited dynamic psychotherapy perspective, she includes principles from existential therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, and attachment in her work with clients. Throughout sessions, Stefani pays close attention to the cultural context of her clients and strives to make her clients feel affirmed and accepted as their authentic selves.

Prior to joining DePaul University’s Counseling & Psychological Services, Stefani was a staff clinician at Elmhurst University, where she provided individual and group therapy to students as well as outreach services to the university community. Prior to this experience, Stefani completed an APA-accredited Internship at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Counseling Center and a Post-doctoral Fellowship at Northeastern Illinois University’s Student Counseling Services.

Clinical Interests

In terms of clinical interests, Stefani enjoys working relationally, specifically in relationship (couples) therapy as well as co-facilitating interpersonal process groups. Stefani also has a particular interest in positive romantic and sexual relationships in young adulthood. Stefani’s dissertation and research interests include hooking up and friends with benefits as well as the intersections with attachment theory and intimate partner violence. Furthermore, Stefani has advanced training in sexual assault crisis intervention and promotes awareness and prevention efforts to support survivors and allies.

Fun Fact

In her free time, Stefani enjoys spending time with family and friends, relaxing by the lake in the summer, participating in Jewish communal organizations, and watching copious amounts of Bravo shows.
