Division of Student Affairs > About > Staff Directory > Maggie Brennan

Maggie Brennan, PhD, LCP

Staff Psychologist (Trauma Care Focus), Licensed Clinical Psychologist

  • Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, University of Kansas
  • M.A. in Mental Health Counseling, Boston College
  • B.A. in Theatre, Purdue University
  • B.S. in Psychology, Purdue University
Relevant Experience

Margaret “Maggie” Brennan (she/her) has worked with adolescents and adults in V.A. hospitals, transitional homes for survivors of domestic violence, and university counseling centers. Her experiences have included providing individual and group counseling focused on depression and anxiety, identity development and life transitions, multicultural concerns, and various types of trauma care. Prior to coming to DePaul, Maggie worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Delaware, where she completed a study of trauma treatment work at university counseling centers across the U.S. Maggie also received specialized training in the treatment of P.T.S.D. while working in Kansas City, MO, which has aided her in her work with survivors of abuse and combat. She is monolingual and can provide counseling in English.

Clinical Interests

Maggie’s clinical focus includes trauma-informed care, mindfulness, and the importance of relationships and culture in each of our lives.

Fun Fact

Born with a congenital heart murmur that she grew out of it, Maggie likes to joke that she naturally has no sense of rhythm.