DePaul University Research Services > Research Protections > Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) > What Requires Review

What Requires Review

What Activities Require IACUC Review and Approval?

If at any point you have questions, please contact Office of Research Services, Research Protections staff at .

DePaul University must comply with all federal regulations, laws, and guidelines pertaining to animal care and use. DePaul has implemented a policy to ensure compliance with the federal regulations, laws, and guidelines. In order to be compliant DePaul requires the following activities conducted by DePaul faculty, staff or students be reviewed and approved by the IACUC:

  • Any research, research training, teaching, experimentation, biological testing, exhibition, and related activities using live vertebrate or warm blooded animals.
  • Any observational or field study or teaching activity that involves live vertebrate or warm blooded animals.
  • Any animal use activities with live vertebrate or warm blooded animals conducted at another institution or location as a DePaul professional.

DePaul doesn’t require IACUC review of the following; however, the IACUC must be notified by researchers at least two weeks prior to beginning work with the following:

  • Use of fertile eggs

Public Health Service (PHS) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Requirements for IACUC Review and Approval of field studies and observational studies - Guidance's document .