The Office of Research Services’ mission is to promote, facilitate, and support research, scholarship, teaching, and creative activities that are conducted by DePaul University faculty, students, and staff, and are consistent with the university’s
We accomplish our mission by:
- Assisting faculty, students, and staff in obtaining and administering intramural and extramural support
- Serving as advocates for the value of research in an educational setting
- Enhancing the vitality of campus-based research
- Encouraging the use of research to enrich education and serve the community
- Ensuring compliance with relevant Federal regulations and guidelines, state and local laws, sponsor guidelines, and individual award terms and conditions
- Providing education and training
- Providing comprehensive policy, procedures, and guidance

Find out more about our annual celebration of Innovation at DePaul.

DePaul researchers are doing exciting, innovative work that changes the world.

Find out more about how ORS supports research development at all stages of the research life cycle