With full-time Jewish, Muslim, and Protestant positions, the Office of Religious Diversity and Pastoral Care team provides pastoral accompaniment, support and advocacy to diverse religious and spiritual DePaul students and communities and all others. We are home to dozens of student religious organizations (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Interfaith and more) and provide community building, worship, pastoral care, and study opportunities online and on both the Loop and Lincoln Park campuses.
Visit with a staff member, pray in one of our Muslim prayer rooms, participate in worship, reflection or meditation in the Interfaith Sacred Space, hang out in Jewish Life, join a student group or come to one of our 4D (Four Ways of Interfaith Dialogue) celebrations or events. We'd love to get to know you!
As we nurture religious diversity, we actively seek to create a genuine spirit of hospitality guided by our Four Ways of Interfaith Dialogue and the spiritual values of our respective faith and spiritual communities.
Are you a student with an idea for a new spiritual program or student religious organization (SRO)? We would love to meet with you about it! Start the process by referring to the "
Directives and Procedures for Spiritual, Religious, and Faith Activities on Campus_September2024.pdf" document before taking any actions.
If you are an off-campus religious/spiritual group hoping to connect with DePaul students, please review our "Directives and Procedures" document. Only student-led religious or spiritual groups officially recognized by the university as SROs are permitted to engage in recruitment, post meeting notices, or sponsor events and activities on campus.
Spiritual Direction or Spiritual Companionship, the practice of having a regular meeting with an experienced spiritual guide to discuss and stay accountable to your spiritual life, is also available through Mission and Ministry. Please contact us for more information or to arrange an initial visit to discuss your interests and needs and find an appropriate spiritual companion.
If you are “seeking,” consider yourself “spiritual but not religious,” or trying to find purpose in life, contact one of our staff members who can guide you to student religious organizations or accompany you on your journey. For fun, take our
Spirituality Survey.
RDPC Staff
- Rev. Dr. Diane R.S. Dardón, ELCA,
ddardon@depaul.edu (Director of Religious Diversity and Pastoral Care & Protestant Chaplain)
- Imam Abdul-Malik Ryan,
mryan42@depaul.edu (Assistant Director of Religious Diversity and Pastoral Care & Muslim Chaplain)
- Minister Jené Ashley Colvin,
jcolven3@depaul.edu (Ministry Coordinator for Protestant and Interfaith Engagement)
- Kayla Schneider-Smith, kschne26@depaul.edu (Assistant Director Religious Diversity & Pastoral Care, coordinates Jewish Life and Interfaith Engagement)