Please complete all sections of the
Cultural Programming Form, and select "Race and Free Speech Speaker Series" from the dropdown to prevent any delays with processing. Once received, the approval process will begin, and a decision will be e-mailed to the contact person, usually within 10 working days.
Summary of important sections that must be completed appears below.
Type of Event: Please select "Racism and Free Speech Speaker Series."
Desired Outcome: Please describe the desired result (e.g. a reduction of hate incidents on campus).
Evaluation Methods: Please list how the event will be evaluated and whether results will be provided to the Diversity Office.
Anticipated Attendance Total: The number of participants expected to attend.
Cultural Impact and Audience(s): Please describe the intended multicultural dimensions of the program (e.g. presenting the immigrant experience) and the audience(s) (e.g. women, LGBTQA).
Funding Category: Please choose the funding category to which you are applying. Select the field that best matches your needs.
Other Revenue Sources: Please list all other sources of revenue/funding requested and attained.
Budget Attachment: Please provide a detailed budget, including how all funding is allocated.
Submit Cultural Programming Form
If you have any questions, please call the Diversity Office at (312) 362-6872 between 9 am and 5 pm or e-mail