Office of Institutional Diversity & Equity > Immigrants & Refugees > Legal Services

Legal Services

Responding to Subpoenas and Other Legal Requests

DePaul routinely receives various types of formal legal requests. These include:

Subpoenas:  Documents requiring DePaul (or a DePaul employee) to provide testimony or documents related to a pending lawsuit
Summons/Complaints:  Documents initiating a lawsuit and requiring DePaul to appear in court or otherwise respond by a certain date
Routine Government Investigations:  Site visits related to visa applications sponsored by the University
Wage Garnishments:  Documents requiring DePaul to withhold some portion of an employee’s wages 

Pursuant to the Response to Legal Inquiries policy, the OGC is responsible for responding to all legal requests made to DePaul.  If someone, such as a Sheriff, process server, or investigator with a government-issued badge/ID asks you for information or to accept any legal documents on behalf of DePaul, please decline and redirect him/her to the Office of the General Counsel, 14 E Jackson Blvd., 18th Floor. Responses to legal requests are generally handled by Associate General Counsel Shalyn Ganellen x26372,

Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights Handouts from the American Immigration Lawyers Association

Immigrants’ Rights Under a Trump Presidency

Presentation from the Consulate General of Mexico in Chicago

Immigration Services and Resources specifically for DePaul Faculty & Staff:

Immigration Services and Resources specifically for DePaul Students: