Office of the General Counsel > Services > Immigration > Immigration Forms

Immigration Forms

​​​​These forms are made available for use by DePaul University employees as directed by the Immigration Attorney.  Please contact the Immigration Attorney with any questions or concerns.

For Academic Departments and University Business Offices
Department Request for H-1B Sponsorship Supervisors and Deans may submit this form to the Immigration Attorney to request to sponsor a new or current employee for an H-1B visa.
Department Request for Permanent Residence Sponsorship Supervisors and Deans may submit this form to the Immigration Attorney to request to sponsor an employee for Legal Permanent Residence status (a "green card").
B-1/B-2 Visitor Invitation Letter  Academic departments may use this form letter to invite a foreign national to visit DePaul for business purposes (e.g., to attend a conference, to engage in independent research, to offer a lecture or attend a class, etc.).​