DePaul University Research Services > Pre-Award Services > Proposal Development, Review & Approval > Subcontractors in Your Proposal

Subcontractors in Your Proposal

Faculty are encouraged to contact Office of Research Services (ORS) Pre-Award staff early in the proposal preparation process when their proposal submission involves another organization acting as a subcontractor.

ORS Pre-Award staff can work with their counterparts at the subcontractor organization to ensure timely arrival of the subcontractor’s information for inclusion in the DePaul proposal to the funding agency.

Typical information required from a subcontracting organization for proposal submission includes: a statement of work detailing specific services to be performed by the subcontracting organization; a line-item budget elaborating on the costs of performing such services with a budget narrative; evidence of appropriate institutional sign-off by an office that can legally commit the subcontracting organization; place of performance; and other information as may be required by a funding agency (bio sketches, current and pending support, facilities statement, representations and certifications, etc.). Subcontract information submitted to DePaul should follow the applicable agency's guidance on proposal formatting and use agency-specified form pages.